2023-04-21 16:42:59
The HCSP recommends the establishment of conditions promoting the use of the maternity health record by women and professionals :
- Distribute it to any pregnant woman who decides to maintain her pregnancy.
- Distribute it as early as possible, from the start of pregnancy (well before the 4 month term).
- Have it hand-delivered in an accompanied manner, with explanations, by a health professional during a consultation and give it a sharing function among the women’s resource professionals.
- Review the more restricted content, around two components: that of selected elements of the medical record and that of preventive medical information.
- Choose a form and language adapted to its accessibility by the most vulnerable women.
- Keep an A4 paper format, of which the part of the elements of the medical file can be registered in the health space of the woman.
- Respect the complementarity and the link between the various notebooks or institutional guides.
Under these conditions, the HCSP is in favor
- Maintaining the obligation to provide a maternity health record to all pregnant women.
- Maintaining a dual objective of information and collection of medical file elements in the maternity health record with revised and adapted content.
#Objectives #format #methods #dissemination