The Importance of Cumulative Sugar Test for Diabetics and Healthy Individuals: Understanding the Indicators and Management

2023-05-16 19:09:58

Some people are surprised when the attending physician asks them to check the “cumulative sugar” for the last three months, as this examination is not limited to patients with diabetes only, but may also include healthy individuals. Through it, the doctor knows the indicators and the status of sugar in healthy individuals, while in people with diabetes, the control and extent of control of the patients in their disease is known.

The question that may arise in the minds of some: What is the importance and indications of the “cumulative sugar” examination?

The answer is: the cumulative sugar test is one of the tests that are conducted to assess the level of glucose in the blood, in order to diagnose diabetes, and to evaluate the control of blood sugar in patients, and it is one of the important tests to check on the health status of a healthy individual, and to avoid many pathological problems if there is a pathological biography It is associated with the problems of overweight, obesity, prediabetes, high cholesterol, triglycerides, and others. Therefore, it is possible to take therapeutic measures that protect the individual from serious complications, the most important of which are heart problems. As for diabetics, the cumulative sugar check is essential for the proper management of the disease, because of course this test does not replace the sugar test that the diabetic person performs at home, in addition to enhancing the assurance that the blood sugar level is still within the target range.

This analysis measures the percentage of hemoglobin that carries sugar in the blood compared to the percentage of normal hemoglobin, as hemoglobin is one of the blood compounds, and the higher this percentage, it means that the person’s sugar level is uncontrolled, and if he actually has diabetes, the increase in the level of glycated hemoglobin means that The patient is exposed to some complications of diabetes, noting that hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells, and is responsible for carrying oxygen and transporting it to the various cells of the body. Blood sugar or glucose accumulated in the blood also binds to hemoglobin.

The cumulative sugar test is performed in medical laboratories, where the doctor withdraws the blood sample during an intravenous injection, then the sample is sent to the laboratory, and it is a very normal examination like other regular examinations.

And as I indicated that the cumulative high blood sugar originally results from a high blood sugar level, therefore, the cumulative high sugar is a symptom of high diabetes, along with the following other symptoms: an increased feeling of thirst, blurry vision, headache, frequent need to urinate, weight loss, Feeling tired and exhausted.

The results of the cumulative sugar test can be known through the following:

For people without diabetes, the normal glycated hemoglobin range is between 4.5-6%.

People who do not maintain a controlled blood sugar level for a long time may reach 9%.

– If the results of the examination are between 5.7-6.4%, this means that the person is in the pre-diabetic stage, which means that the chance of developing the disease is very high.

– As for patients who already have diabetes, the test result will be between 6.5-7%, with treatment, and the cumulative sugar percentage may increase in some cases. If the cumulative sugar percentage exceeds the required target, the doctor may request a change in treatment.

Finally, the best advice for healthy people and diabetics is to follow healthy behaviors that enhance a lifestyle, including eating healthy food, limiting fast food, drinking water and fresh juices, avoiding soft and canned drinks because they are high in sugar, limiting caffeine drinks such as coffee and tea, and paying attention. Exercising for half an hour a day at a rate of at least 150 minutes a week, avoiding all factors of stress and anxiety, and ensuring a healthy sleep while giving the body enough rest and sleep.

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