The Importance of Barrier Gestures to Protect Against Winter Diseases: Insights from Public Health France

2023-11-08 19:52:00

Public Health France considers it “necessary to recall the importance of adopting barrier gestures to protect ourselves from all winter diseases”.

Barrier gestures forgotten? Public Health France published this Wednesday, November 8 results of its CoviPrev survey, which notably monitors the evolution of the adoption of preventive behaviors in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic.

The public body reporting to the Ministry of Health reveals that 31% of people questioned in September and who had had signs of Covid-19 since January 2023 did not take a screening test following their symptoms. 30% explained it by not being worried regarding whether or not they had Covid-19. 29% of them also explained that the test result would not have changed anything because they were used to isolating themselves or wearing a mask when they have symptoms and 18% found getting tested too restrictive.

Although it is no longer compulsory to self-isolate in the event of a positive Covid-19 test, it is remains highly recommended to apply barrier gestures in the event of symptoms suggestive of the disease. These actions are as follows: wear a mask in the presence of other people, wash your hands very regularly, encourage teleworking if possible, ventilate or ventilate the premises where you are and avoid contact with vulnerable people.

Stronger adherence to barrier gestures in case of Covid than flu

But in September, “only one in two people (54% of respondents) indicated that having symptoms of illness such as fever or cough would encourage them to wear a mask this winter (up slightly compared to September 2022 where this proportion was 47%)”, according to Public Health France.

In the event of a new epidemic wave for Covid-19, 60% of those questioned would be ready to respect barrier gestures, compared to only 25% in the event of a flu epidemic. For SPF, “this shows the still strong correlation between barrier gestures and the recommendations associated since 2020 with Covid-19”.

13% still often wear a mask in public

13% also declared that no reason would push them to continue or increase the adoption of barrier gestures. Conversely, 13% said they still frequently wear a mask in public.

Public Health France therefore considers it “necessary to recall the importance of adopting barrier gestures to protect oneself from all winter illnesses, in particular wearing a mask in the event of symptoms (colds, fever, headache). throat or cough), in busy places and in the presence of vulnerable people.

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