The Impact of Ultra-Processed Foods on Our Health: Breaking the Pleasure Trap

2023-10-29 06:00:00

THE food of our kitchen do not all have the same effects on our body. We each have our favorites, our must-haves, those that we immediately think of when craving a craving. archyde news also continues to praise the various benefits of this or that product. A miraculous yogurt here or magic cereals for memory there, eating is more than a pleasure, it is a service provided to our body.

In any case, these are the promises packaging. In practice, many specialists and nutritionists warn once morest certain foods that would not be so beneficial to our health. Worse still, ingredients still widely used would be the cause of certain serious pathologies. Eating is therefore not so trivial. You have to know what you are consuming. An American study adds a layer, questioning the addictive abilities products that we know well.

Everyday foods

If you think chocolate is one of the most addictive foods on your shelves, this study will prove you wrong (or almost). As revealed Cosmopolitan, the work of a team from the University of Michigan should alert us. The results, published in the very serious British Medical Journal point the finger at ultra-processed foods. Yes, this concerns hundreds of references which are often part of our daily habits. Biscuits, cereals, ready-made sauces, frozen meals, sodas of all kinds, etc. The list is long.

This also obviously concerns the foods that can be consumed in fast food, temple of the ultra-transformed. Their effect comes from a combination of lipids and carbohydrates which is enough to drive the brain completely crazy. It’s no longer much of a secret, but ultra-processed foods generally contain sugar levels or of fat which can terrorize an audience of dietitians. Their nutritional qualities are sometimes even inversely proportional to the pleasure they provide.

The pleasure trap

The pleasurethe notion of reward, this is how ultra-processed foods act on our neurons, as would a drug. Their consumption causes hormonal peaks, including dopamine, which brings us into a sterrible addictive system. High amounts of carbohydrates and fats confuse our receptors and create a habituation nocive at rates well above our actual needs. The body becomes dependent on these excessive intakes. The infernal spiral has begun.

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An addiction to counter?

THE processed foods are everywhere, or almost. Our lifestyles and habits have often made them essential. Even though experts believe that not everyone is sensitive to it in the same way, their impact on our organisms is undeniable. The risks are obviously the amplification ofobesity and the development of cardiovascular illnesses notably. If these foods are as addictive and dangerous as nicotine, how can we avoid them?

Should we expect cereal packets with a large photo of a heart suffocated by fatty deposits? Will junk food be banned in films and series? For the moment, the campaigns mainly aim to encourage overall balance, including healthy eating and physical activity. Although it appears more complicated, change some of our habits is not impossible. Preferring products and foods that are minimally processed, or even raw, is also relearn how to eat properly. The pleasure, however, does not disappear, quite the contrary.

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