2023-09-14 13:29:49
A “polar vortex” is currently forming above the North Pole. This is a phenomenon that forms when an area of depression develops in the stratosphere, above the North Pole.
But, even if it forms far from us, it can have an impact on the overall weather, even in our country.
A polar vortex generally reaches its peak intensity during the winter months, reaching -70°C or even -80°C between December and February.
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“In a normal configuration, cold air remains trapped above the North Pole. The milder or subtropical air will then be located further south,” explains climatologist Samuel Helsen, in comments reported by The last news. “During an ordinary winter period, the weather will therefore be milder, even here. A stable polar vortex is also generally strongly linked to the jet stream, which is also called jet stream. It is a sort of river of very sustained winds which circulate in the troposphere, at around 10 kilometers altitude, and which blow from west to east. »
“The jet-Stream conveys to the surface of the Northern Hemisphere the depressions and anticyclones which directly influence our weather”, details the Royal Meteorological Institute (IRM) on its website. “Like the polar vortex, this tube will be very active, with very strong westerly winds. The weather will then be quite autumnal, windy and humid, with frequent areas of precipitation and a relatively mild ocean wind,” adds Helsen.
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