The Impact of Sleep on Emotional Health: Understanding the Complex Relationship

2023-12-27 08:00:00

The emotions is information that is essential to us. Whether good or bad, they constitute a complex answer to what we experience. They echo stimulations coming from outside, but also generated by our own memories. They obviously have a essential function in our communicationbut they also serve to react quickly. It’s a survival mechanism. Their intensity and duration vary, depending on many factors that are difficult to fully understand.

L’everyone’s experience must be taken into account, as well as the current situation. However, we also sometimes forget that biochemical mechanisms that lie behind our emotions are influenced by theoverall balance of our body. Be in good healthis to be physically more able to feel a emotional panel varied. If something goes wrong, it is likely that our abilities, in this and other areas, will be impaired.

Sleep and emotions

The quality and duration of our sleep have enormous impacts on the functioning of our body. The fatigue you feel can literally stresses our cells, and therefore our organs, causing very real pathologies. This is why recommendations are made for different age groups regarding the amount of sleep needed each night. American researchers have also been interested in the consequences of lack of sleep on emotions. The results are frightening to say the least.

By accumulating the results of more 154 studiesa research team set up a meta-analysis published in the Psychological Bulletin of the American Psychological Association. The objective was to study the links between the quantity of sleep and certain mood disorders, including depression and anxiety. The disturbances carried out as part of the study ranged from simple awakenings to prolonged sleep deprivation, including more or less severe fragmentation.

Des impacts variables

The analysis carried out highlights a strong correlation enter here sleep deprivation and the difficulty to experience positive emotions. For other sensations, including depression, this would make little difference. Generally speaking, then, it seems that lack of sleep somehow blocks our ability to be positive. However, this does not seem to change the situation much when it comes to more negative emotions. The barometer of our emotions would thus be stuck in a middle level, giving each moment a blander, more neutral taste.

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Serious consequences

As with any study, these results need to be explored further and the tests repeated to determine if the trend is confirmed. Nevertheless, the research team is confident about the interest of these first discoveries. We knew that the lack of sleep was unhealthy. Today we have part of the proof of its impact on our emotional dispositions and therefore, our life in society. Certain professional profiles, but also students, could be the first to be affected.

Selon le CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), un·e adult needs on average seven hours or more of sleep to cope normally with the pace of life. If you do less, you accumulate what professionals call a sleep debt. It corresponds to the hours lost during the last 15 days. The higher this debt, the more difficult it will be to get out of it. If you don’t like being exposed, you might as well get enough sleep, or even a little more. This will allow you to be perfectly fit and able to feel emotions in all areas.

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