The Impact of Security Concerns on Iraqi Children’s Mental Health: Causes and Solutions

2023-12-04 09:06:21

Security concerns threaten the mental health of Iraqi children

The unstable security situation in the various Iraqi cities and governorates imposed on Iraqi families a certain lifestyle, which soon had a negative impact on children in particular. Doctors link the escalation of children’s psychological problems to isolation, and parents’ keenness to keep their children inside the home as one of the main reasons.

The lack of playgrounds and play areas for children, in security-fragile cities where kidnapping and extortion crimes are on the rise, increases the problem further, and parents usually resort to using electronic tablets to compensate for their children’s time and get rid of their urgency to go out and play.

Dr. Walid Al-Saadi, a doctor specializing in children’s mental health, says that the country is recording increasing numbers in the percentage of children who suffer from psychological problems, starting with isolation and the autism spectrum, passing through the inability to confront or conduct a simple dialogue, and ending with the issue of isolation, nervousness, failure to learn to participate, and even weakness. Focus and aggression.

Speaking to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed, Al-Saadi considered that “the concern for security is the first reason that drives parents to prevent their children from mixing with others of their peers, especially in neighborhoods and neighborhoods that witness or record criminal incidents with children, and the category of females is naturally greater than that of males.” .

The family of the child Adam (7 years old) was forced to change their place of residence, searching for a safe place where they could check in, in a neighborhood of their acquaintances and relatives.

Adam’s father tells Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that he had to do this to ensure that his psychological state did not deteriorate, as he became unable to enjoy his games inside the house, and searched for a garden or a place to go out, and treated the house as if it were a prison. “So I decided to move to a safer area in which… A suitable place for him to go out to the cans.”

Social researcher Hoda Nateq says that “parents should allow their children to play freely in the way they want, without any interference unless there is a potential danger, as children must have enough time to play every day so that they do not feel bored or frustrated by providing them with a safe environment.” “.

She added: “Through my work, I have come across many cases of mothers complaining about their children and their constant screaming inside the house or their rebellion, and with the questionnaire it becomes clear that they do not allow them to go out or that they only go out for a very short time, because of their fear for their children from external dangers such as kidnapping or infection from children.” Others, or assault, which causes clear complaints among children in addition to a change in their psychological state because they naturally tend to play with their peers in a free atmosphere, even if the lifestyle changes and electronic games become almost an alternative to free games outside the home.”

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Nateq confirmed to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed, who works at the Center for Listening and Psychological Counseling at the Eve Organization for Relief and Development, that more than 80 percent of children who suffer from the most common problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bouts of anger, and depression, their condition improves. Health and psychological problems after these problems are addressed in play therapy.”

In addition, psychologist Adnan Mahmoud points out to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that one of the most important benefits of playing in open squares or near their homes or public parks is that it makes children exert a lot of effort, and this is what makes them eat and think better. The child gets used to activity, becomes more flexible, and his immune system increases significantly.

Mahmoud, a retired professor, adds that all these benefits make the child happier in his life and push him to develop faster and overcome many obstacles, because open spaces make the child’s personality stronger and more balanced, and this is what helps him to rely on himself if he is exposed to anything outside the home. .

Mahmoud said, “Many of our studies indicate that about 70 percent of children aged 4 to 14 years suffer from psychological illnesses, including fear, hesitation, nervousness, and shyness due to repression and not allowing children to go out or express their needs by playing in open spaces, and children must not be allowed to go out or express their needs by playing in open spaces. Electronic games are an alternative to playing outside because children who play outside the home are more active, intelligent, creative, happy, and mentally and physically healthy,” stressing the necessity of children joining at some stage the summer camps organized by some local institutions, because these camps enhance the child’s social and leadership skills and enable him to rely on On himself and his ability to communicate with others better.

In May 2022, the Government of Iraq, in cooperation with UNICEF, launched the National Strategy for Early Childhood Development. The strategy represents an approach that recognizes the different stages in child development up to the age of eight, and holds the relevant authorities, service providers and communities responsible for securing, promoting and protecting the needs of young children.

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