The Impact of Robert Downey Jr’s Role in Iron-Man and the Potential Comeback in the MCU

2023-08-02 14:02:48

During the promotional tour, the actor, delighted to be in Nolan’s film, seems to draw a line under an essential role in his career.

The return of Tony Stark/Iron-Man in the MCU so dear to Marvel studios seems to take a little more lead in the wing. Obviously, the death of the character in the film Avengers Endgame had considerably reduced the possibility of seeing Robert Downey Jr put on the armor of the iron vigilante.

However, the many possibilities offered by the multiverse, as demonstrated Spider-Man: No Way Home, opened the door to a potential comeback. Especially since the aura surrounding the comic book giant’s productions is slowly but surely waning, with constantly falling box office scores.

Lord of War

The output ofOppenheimerthe biopic of the creator of the atomic bomb directed by Christopher Nolan and portrayed by Cillian Murphy (Peaky Blinders) gave Robert Downey Jr, also starring in the feature film, many opportunities to comment, directly or not, on superhero films. Difficult to forget a role that stuck to his skin for ten years.

Especially when its last director himself declared that it was the best casting ever. Sometimes in a teasing mood, like during a video interview for WiredDowney Jr has often made the choice of irony to kick his potential return.

Iron(ise) Man

When the actor and the director were asked regarding what would have Avengers Nolan version, the duo had fun. Mocking his own willingness to film without special effects, Nolan asked Downey Jr if he would have been willing to don a real jet pack for the role. And when he delivered his fears of seeing the star pull the cover to him, this one replied to him: “As if it wasn’t already”, adding that the film would still be shooting with such a maniac behind the camera. Real accomplices.

Ironically, the first film Iron-Man had preceded by a few weeks the release of The Dark Knight of Nolan, but this chance had led to the meeting between the star of the first and the director of the second. If Nolan has already clearly stated that he will no longer make superhero films, Downey Jr has contented himself with explaining that his role in Oppenheimer had “saved” his acting… A very murderous little phrase.

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