The Impact of Quality Sleep on Health: Boost Your Sleep and Health with Kiwi

2023-09-30 05:00:00

Not enjoying quality sleep can have a negative impact in various aspects of our lives. On the one hand, not resting well would affect work, since we will feel tired and our mind will not work as well. In the long term it might increase the chances of suffering from heart disease or obesitysince poor sleep health would cause satiety and appetite hormones to reduce and increase, respectively, their levels, which would result in greater food intake.

Food would help us improve our sleep, and the fact is that foods rich in tryptophan would contribute their grain of sand, since this amino acid helps the production of melatonin and serotonin, so the consumption of bananahe quesohe pollo or the avocado It would translate into better rest.

In this sense it is worth highlighting a fruit that, according to study conducted by researchers from the School of Nutrition and Health Sciences and the Faculty of Nursing, both at Taipei Medical University (Taiwan), would help not only fall asleep earlier, but for it to be of better quality. Its regarding kiwi.

2 men and 22 women participated in the research, whose ages were between 20 and 55 years old, who for four weeks They had 2 kiwis an hour before going to bed. The results of the study, titled ‘Effect of kiwi consumption on sleep quality in adults with sleep problems’ revealed that people They fell asleep 35.4% faster. Additionally, “sleep efficiency” improved by 5.41%.

These are other beneficial properties of kiwi

Kiwi can be a perfect dessert for people who do not enjoy good quality sleep, although they will also benefit from many other properties that this fruit has, which has a low glycemic indexso we also will help control sugar levels in blood

This food provides a very small amount of caloriessomething that, together with the fiber that he presents, make him a ally for people looking to lose weightthis will increase the feeling of satiety, causing food intake to be reduced.

This fruit should also be mentioned for its high content of antioxidant propertieswhich will ‘fight’ once morest free radicals, thus reducing the risk of suffering from some diseases such as diabetes or obesity. Furthermore, in its composition we find the socceral potassium and to the vitamin B, K and Cthe latter in a greater proportion than in oranges, and with a single kiwi we will take what is needed each day.

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