The Impact of Maternal Nutrition on Offspring: New Research Findings

2024-02-17 05:15:23

New research shows that a mother’s nutritional status during pregnancy can affect her male and female offspring differently.

Dr. Emily Kam confirmed that achieving and maintaining ideal nutritional status, physical fitness, and weight before and during pregnancy has immediate and long-term benefits for the health of the mother and her child, as reported by Russia Today newspaper.

Dr. Kam said that the study, which she conducted with a team from the Hudson Institute for Medical Research and the University of Cambridge, focused on the effects on pregnancy and offspring outcomes in mice as a result of a diet high in fat and sugar, and compared the results to a group fed a diet rich in nutrients and low in sugar and saturated fat.

Dr Kam noted: “It is not always possible for women to control their body weight, but they do have the ability to control what and how they eat, so this study aims to show how a Western diet can ultimately affect a child’s health.”

Our study focused not only on pregnancy, but also on the pre-conception period, because it is a sensitive period of development and can also have a significant impact on the health of the offspring. “It is important to note that pre-pregnancy health is important for both fathers and mothers, as a changed diet can also affect sperm quality.”

She continued: “In general, our findings show that a diet high in fat and sugar – which is very common in Western and Eastern societies – changes growth, adiposity (percentage of body fat) and offspring behavior, but interestingly, there are factors specific to sex differences.” In the traces we found.

Males and females are affected differently by the mother’s diet

After weaning there were differences in growth rate and total body fat content between males but not females exposed to an altered maternal diet.

“Although the females gained more weight, at the end of the study at four months of age, the males actually had more adipose tissue (fat deposits) than the females,” Dr Kam said.

The researchers also found behavioral differences in offspring exposed to the mother’s altered diet that persisted as they grew, including more risky behaviors.

Dr. Kamm and her team at the Hudson Institute are now studying human pregnancies, examining placentas in women who have a high body mass index or who have had pregnancy complications.

According to studies, women whose weight exceeds the healthy threshold during pregnancy are at greater risk of complications, including gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and blood clots. They are also more likely to need a caesarean section and a longer hospital stay following giving birth.

The World Health Organization notes that the incidence of BMIs over 30 is increasing rapidly around the world in both developed and developing countries, largely due to dietary changes.

While BMI does not necessarily reflect the distribution of body fat or describe the same degree of fat deposition in different individuals, at the population level it is a practical and useful measure for determining obesity.

A healthy diet and regular exercise will be beneficial for all pregnant women. A balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins can help control weight gain during pregnancy and provide essential nutrients for both mother and baby.

#diet #pregnancy #affect #baby



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