The Impact of Isoleucine-Restricted Diet on Aging and Longevity: Research Findings and Implications for Human Health

2024-01-05 04:30:17

Lack of nutrition is the enemy of maintaining health and longevity. Essential amino acids, which cannot be synthesized in the body, are literally essential nutrients for human life. It was revealed through mouse experiments that limiting the intake of isoleucine, one of these essential amino acids, slowed down aging and extended lifespan.

Among amino acids, isoleucine is one of the three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) that are important for protein synthesis and is also an essential amino acid that cannot be made in the body. Therefore, humans cannot maintain their bodies without consuming isoleucine from eggs, dairy products, beans, and meat.

However, just because it is necessary does not mean that it is good to consume it in large quantities. For example, a study published in 2021 found that people with a higher BMI tend to consume more amino acids, and that the amount of isoleucine included in meals is related to metabolic health.

In a previous study, an experiment was conducted to determine the relationship between specific amino acids and healthy lifespan by feeding animals in controlled amounts. The experiment began when the rats were 6 months old, or regarding 30 years old in humans. The rats were divided into three groups, and each group was given a diet rich in amino acids, a diet containing one-third amino acids, and a diet containing only isoleucine.

The food, which is rich in amino acids, contains 20 different types of amino acids in a balanced manner, and the proportion of protein in calories was adjusted to 21% of the natural rat diet. Meanwhile, the diet containing one-third of amino acids reduced amino acids by 67% but increased carbohydrates. Also, in the food containing only one-third of isoleucine, many other types of amino acids were mixed in place of the reduced isoleucine. It is said that the fat content and total calories were the same for the three types, and the rats in each group were able to eat as much of the assigned type of food as they wanted.

As a result of raising rats with three types of food, rats with limited isoleucine have a longer lifespan and healthy lifespan, a stronger body, reduced body weight and fat, and improved glucose control, that is, blood sugar control. Specifically, male mice with isoleucine restriction had a 33% longer lifespan and 7% longer lifespan for female mice than those with no isoleucine restriction.

The isoleucine-restricted mice also showed good scores in 26 other health indicators such as muscle strength, endurance, tail usage, and fur. In addition, male mice had a low incidence of prostate enlargement due to aging and the development of cancerous tumors common to mice of various bloodlines was suppressed.

Interestingly, the rats in the isoleucine group consumed more calories than the other rats, although there was no difference in activity level. As a result, I was able to maintain the weight I lost.

The research team believes that limiting isoleucine can achieve similar anti-aging effects not only in mice but also in humans. However, unlike rats, which can be bred with only one type, the human diet is diverse, so it is difficult to realize a diet that reduces only isoleucine. In addition, there is a good possibility that nutrients other than isoleucine are related to longevity, and since a lack of protein is usually bad for the body, this does not mean that it is good to omit protein-rich ingredients. The research team said that it is not possible to convert all human diets to a low-isoleucine diet, and that it will be possible to apply it to human treatments like medicine. Related information: this placeYou can check it here.

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