The Impact of Eating at Limited Times on Exercise Capacity: Study on Rats

2023-07-04 10:10:50

Study on rats, eating only at limited times

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The correlation between exercise capacity and meal time has not yet been clarified. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Eating late at night is known to be bad for the body. However, a recent study in mice yielded surprising results. It is said that food intake during the rest period (daytime for rats, which are nocturnal animals), rather than during the main activity time of the day, helps increase exercise capacity.

Medical News Today (MNT) said, “The correlation between meal time and exercise capacity has not yet been clarified, but according to this study, eating time definitely affects exercise capacity.”

A research team led by Dr. Li Mindian, a professor of internal medicine and cell biology at the Chinese Army Medical University, recently announced that restricting food intake to certain times of the day (daytime) improved strength and endurance in mice. . The results of this research were published in Nature Metabolism, an international journal in the field of life sciences, at the end of last month.

MNT explained, “Because rats are nocturnal animals, forcing them to eat only during the day is equivalent to forcing them to eat only at night for humans.”

The study found that mice that ate only during the day ran nearly twice as long and as far as other mice that ate at any other time or only at night. There were no differences between the sexes.

Dr. Lee, who led the research team, said that the results were “extremely surprising.” This is because the research team assumed that the metabolism of mice that are usually fed only during the day (rest time) would be significantly worse than other mice, and that their exercise capacity would be lower than that of other mice.

Dr Julin R. Zieras, professor of physiology at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, who was not involved in the study, said the results were “surprising and somewhat paradoxical.” Most studies have suggested that eating during inactive times is not good for your health, but in this study it’s because of improved exercise capacity.

Why does a midnight snack increase endurance?

The researchers pointed to changes in the gastrocnemius muscle, the main muscle of the leg calf, as the cause of this unexpected result. When the rats were fed only during the day, which corresponds to the night, the percentage of type 2A muscle fibers that increase endurance increased.

Interestingly, this phenomenon is also related to genes. When the research team deleted the gene (Bmal1) involved in regulating the biological clock in the muscles of mice, the increased exercise capacity due to limited food intake during the day disappeared. Dr. Li and colleagues found that when fed only during the day, Bmal1 reduced the production of substances that impair exercise performance. In response, the researchers found that eating only during the daytime increased blood levels of acylcarnitine, which allows muscles and fat to be used more efficiently for energy.

Of course, since this study was conducted in mice, similarly large-scale human studies are needed, Dr. Zieras explained. “Eating late at night may not be a problem for athletes because energy is needed to improve endurance,” he said. However, it may not apply to ordinary people who lead a sedentary life, and it may cause problems with metabolic function.”

Dr. Zieras also said that in this study, the exercise performance test was performed following the rats had been asleep for two hours. should be evaluated,” he added.

#Late #Night #Eating #Increases #Endurance #Surprising #unexpected #results #research



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