The Impact of Belly Fat on Diabetes: German Scientists’ Findings

2023-10-11 19:05:00

German scientists have now proven that the most important thing is less belly fat. Around 800,000 people live with diabetes in Austria. In addition, there are around 350,000 people with the preliminary stage of the disease.

As part of the study, around 1,105 people with prediabetes were made to make significant lifestyle changes with changes to their diet and increased physical activity for a year.

When the scientists analyzed the data of the 298 study participants who had lost at least five percent of their body weight, it was found that signs of prediabetes had disappeared in 43 percent of them. The precursor to diabetes had gone into remission.

Even two years following the end of the study, they were 73 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who did not experience this positive effect.

Conclusion: “The probability of remission increases if body weight is reduced by five percent and abdominal circumference by around four centimeters for women and seven centimeters for men.”


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