The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Industrial Employment: A Critical Assessment

2023-12-12 17:36:46


Article reserved for subscribers

Artificial intelligence: from fascination to concerndossierA recent report predicts the advent of the factory without employees driven by artificial intelligence. An observation which should invite Emmanuel Macron to assess the impact of AI on industrial employment before singing its praises.

The first chills of rising unemployment are nothing compared to the icy technological wind that might blow across the employment front in the years to come. At least if we are to believe the prophets of doom of artificial intelligence (AI). A study by the Roland Berger firm revealed by the echoes thus predicts a largely robotic reindustrialization which, instead of creating jobs as the government wishes, would destroy them by the carload. This disaster scenario for the world of work would involve the generalization of “4.0” factories where machines loaded with sensors and assisted by “AI” would replace workers and technicians hitherto responsible for operating them. Objective of these aptly named “dark plants”: further maximize productivity gains to allow France to remain in the crazy global race for competitiveness.

Eric Kirstetter, the consultant cited by the economic journal, does not beat around the bush: for him, we must “think differently regarding reindustrialization, that is to say, consider factories without employees, where in any case the least possible” ! That

#reduced #Macronian #objective #full #employment #Liberation



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