2024-04-30 11:45:26
A group of researchers from the National Center of Microbiology of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) recalled the importance of making visible and raising awareness regarding the importance of studying the immune system and the impact of its functioning on the health and disease of the people, while highlighting that, as occurs with other organs and systems, “the immune system also ages over the years”.
The immune system, or immune system, is a complex network of cells, tissues and organs. Together they help the body fight infections and other diseases. When germs such as bacteria or viruses invade the body, they attack and multiply. This is known as infection. The infection causes the disease that affects it. And the immune system protects you from illness by fighting germs.
The immune system “also ages over the years” and they advise taking care of it
It is known that there are certain proteins that are expressed more in aged cells and that in these cells, due to the effect of age, their metabolism and functionality change.
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As explained by researchers Elena Lorente, Inmaculada Moreno, Isabel Cortegano and Laura Notario, aging on the immune system is a phenomenon known as immunosenescence.
The experts also pointed out that you cannot stop the passage of time, “but you can make aging as healthy and active as possible.” For that they remembered:
- Acquire and practice healthy lifestyle habits, such as a healthy and balanced diet.
- The practice of physical activity.
- Respect for hours of sleep.
- Maintaining correct hygiene.
- Seeking health care when necessary.
- Avoid harmful habits, such as tobacco, alcohol and certain types of diet.

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Given this general framework of prevention and health promotion, taking care of the immune system and its functioning is one of the keys: “It is good to keep it active and prepared for daily challenges, for example with the administration of the recommended vaccines at each stage of our lives, and making good use of possible medications that we can take, so that our immune system can be as good as possible over the years,” they noted.
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