The iMac G3 model already had a functional touch screen in… 1999!

2023-10-10 14:55:08

Even though the Apple has already rejected the idea of ​​a Mac with one touch screen, rumors regarding this possibility never stopped appearing. In addition to patents resurrecting this subject from time to time, popular journalist Mark Gurman, from Bloombergspoke earlier this year regarding the possibility of seeing a MacBook Pro with this type of technology in 2025 — which only added fuel to the fire.

Whether these rumors have a grain of truth or not, the fact is that this supposed computer will be far from being the first touchscreen Mac ever made if it is actually launched one day — at least if you also consider modifications of older models.

Believe it or not, one of the first Apple computers to have a touch screen was the… iMac G3, from 1998! Yes, the iconic all-in-one which basically saved Apple from bankruptcy almost 30 years ago was already equipped with this type of technology and might even detect different levels of pressure — something that was only replicated by Apple with the late 3D Touch.

I’m specifically talking regarding the G3 iMacs customized in 1999 by the American company Elo Touch Solutionswhich sold computers through the old program Value Added Reseller, from the Cupertino giant itself. Recently, these models returned to the spotlight thanks to a video by YouTuber Michael MJDwho managed to get his hands on a fully functional copy.

According to MJD, the iMac G3 in question has a system that uses acoustic sound waves to determine where on the screen the user is touching, instead of adding another layer to the display — as is the case with most modern touchscreens. . It also comes with a modified version of Mac OS 8.6 that allows you to select items, double-tap, and even drag elements.

These computers were sold for use in kiosks and cost around US$1,600 at the time, which explains their rarity. Although rudimentary, the solution works very well, especially for a computer from the late 1990s.

Very cool, right?

via MacRumors

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