The ICRC is launching an operation to help freed hostages reunite with their families

As a temporary ceasefire came into effect in the Gaza Strip after weeks of fighting, Hamas said it had handed over to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) a group of hostages taken in the deadliest attack in Israel’s history.

A convoy of IRGC vehicles was seen crossing the Rafah border crossing from the Gaza Strip into Egypt.

“ICRC teams began a multi-day operation on Friday to facilitate the release and transfer of Palestinian hostages and detainees in the Gaza Strip to the West Bank,” the ICRC said in a statement.

“Within days, the ICRC, acting as a neutral intermediary, will hand over hostages held in Gaza to Israeli officials and eventually their families, and hand over Palestinian detainees to West Bank officials so they can be reunited with their families,” it added.

The statement also said that the ICRC would bring additional medical supplies to be delivered to hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

The Geneva-based organization said the parties to the conflict had agreed on the details of the operation, including who would be launched and when.

The ICRC stated that it was not involved in the negotiations and emphasized that its role was only to facilitate the conclusion of the agreement.

“The deep pain felt by family members separated from their loved ones is indescribable. We are relieved that some of them will be reunited with their loved ones after a long agony,” said Fabrizio Carboni, director of the ICRC for the Near and Middle East.

“We strongly desire that all hostages be released and that the civilian population be spared the pain and suffering of armed conflict,” he added.

On October 7, Hamas and other Palestinian armed attackers in Israel took about 240 hostages and killed 1,200 in bloody attacks. people, mostly civilians, Israel says.

Israel responded to the October 7 attack with massive bombings and ground operations in the Gaza Strip, during which, according to the Hamas-run Ministry of Health, nearly 15,000 people have already died. people, including thousands of children.

At least 50 hostages should be released within four days of the ceasefire. If that happens, 190 hostages will remain in the hands of Palestinian militants.

During the same period, 150 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons are to be released.

The ICRC said that all hostages and detainees must be treated humanely and that humanitarian principles must be respected at all times, including on release and rendition.

#ICRC #launching #operation #freed #hostages #reunite #families
2024-09-02 14:40:37



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