”The ICC is a paternalistic institution” – MALI24

The ICC is a remote-controlled Court, tailor-made to bully ”emerging countries” and Africa is the main target of this Kangaroo court.

The French news site, Mediapart has undoubtedly drawn our attention to ”Les secrets de la Cour” through an analysis and publication of more than 40,000 confidential documents. They confirm what we have always stressed regarding this paternalistic institution since its creation. Indeed, we have always insisted on the fact that the true portrait of the Criminal Court

Internationale (CPI) is different from the one that this same institution, its founders, its prosecutors and its judges wanted to paint for us. It is important for Africans to pay a lot of attention to these documents, to the role and harmful actions carried out by this Court.

Remote controlled courtyard…

The ICC’s response was shamefully silent on the firm decision of the United States of America regarding its soldiers and rulers. Indeed, in addition to sanctioning a number of senior International Criminal Court officials in 2020, the United States still maintains the Hague Invasion Act, giving its military the permission to invade the Netherlands if American citizens were detained in court.

Now, this remote-controlled Court wants to restore its image of probity and credibility with the uneducated by issuing an international arrest warrant once morest the President of a nuclear power knowing that this action will go nowhere. There is no point in throwing smoke and mirrors in the eyes of nonsense when you do not have the means to support your decisions, or your services are not ready to apply the law.

…Created to measure to bully ”emerging countries”

Moreover, this superpower is not even a member of this government of judges who want to rule in a vacuum without any constitutional framework to restrain it. This institution or rather this government of judges was tailor-made to manhandle “emerging countries” for geostrategic and geopolitical reasons and issues, and more particularly African countries.

….Africa, the main target of this Kangaroo court

Remember that since 2002, all of the investigations opened by the ICC concern only the African continent and that major powers such as Russia, China and the United States have never adhered to the Rome Statute. Although the majority of torture, acts of barbarism and crimes once morest creatures take place on other continents, Africa still remains the main target of this Kangaroo court. And these paternalists claim that Afrocentrism is not a bias once morest Africa, but in favor of African victims, who are almost the only ones to have received the Court’s attention.

We don’t know whether to cry or laugh regarding this argument. In any case, we must seriously reflect on this and assume our responsibilities. From

when those who supposedly explored Africa (the cradle of humanity and civilization), who colonized it, who stripped it of its children for the benefit of the slave trade, and who continue

to implement hegemonic and neocolonial policies care regarding African victims.

Obviously, everything is done to demonstrate that the African is immature, irresponsible and incapable of dispensing justice or even of governing. So, we need institutions initiated and controlled by others to manage African affairs. Unfortunately, this is done with the complicity of certain African rulers as in the time of the slave trade when certain crooked kings delivered Africans to slavers.

”Two weights, two measures”

When will there be a serious historical legal investigation into the slave trade, colonization, and genocides in Africa? This posture of “double standards” must remind us to remain firm and unshakable in our commitments to defend and protect our countries and our values. It should remind us to be bold and courageous when it comes to advancing the well-being of our citizens. It must remind us to continue to work hard and intelligently for a better future, a future where our citizens can proudly express their values ​​and their identity without timidity. Fortunately, some enlightened leaders have decided to take their country out of this condescending and dangerous criminal court. We hope that all the leaders of African countries will follow this example by withdrawing from this thing which is out of phase with the idea of ​​the theory of justice, international laws, even with its own principles.

This illegal and illegitimate court is a direct attack on our national sovereignty. African national jurisdictions must remain alone in investigating and prosecuting crimes committed on their territories. However, the rejection of a paternalistic and confusing structure must not be a license for our leaders of bad governance and corruption.

As guardians of the seals, our rulers must be the guarantors and first defenders of the cause of human rights by maintaining strong legal protections for individual rights in the rule of law. Let’s continue to support African solutions to African problems without cultural and intellectual inferiority complex!

Cheick Boucadry Traore

The supertitle, title, intertitle and headline are from the editorial staff



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