The IACHR granted precautionary measures to Roland Carreño

This weekend the news broke that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), granted precautionary measures for the journalist Roland Carreno in Venezuela.

The information was published on the entity’s website, which states that Carreño is located in “a serious and urgent situation of risk of irreparable damage to their rights.

The requesting party indicated that Roland Carreño suffered harassment, persecution and imprisonment in 2020 by officials of the Bolivarian National Police. During said detention, he was allegedly forced to record a video describing the functions he had as head of operations of the political party Voluntad Popular in Venezuela, remaining deprived of liberty for 3 years, without due attention to his health. For its part, the State did not provide information“, the IACHR detailed in a report.

The Court asked the State to adopt the necessary measures to protect Roland Carreño’s rights to life and personal integrity.

The granting of this precautionary measure and its adoption by the State do not constitute any prejudgment of a petition that may eventually be filed before the Inter-American System regarding a possible violation of the rights protected in the applicable instruments.“, the text states.

It should be remembered that on August 2, The social communicator and political activist of Voluntad Popular, was arrested again This time in the city of Caracas by members of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin).

Following his deprivation of liberty, his defense attorney, Joel García, indicated on August 6 that Carreño is being held at the facilities of The Helicoid.

#IACHR #granted #precautionary #measures #Roland #Carreño
2024-08-20 16:07:54



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