The husband’s sister shares.. a new video of beating the Ismailia bride

Despite the announcement of the family of the Egyptian groom who hit his bride after Wedding Ceremony The incident was incorrect and the videographer announced that she was threatened because of her filming the quarrel and publishing it on the communication sites. A new clip appeared revealing other details of the assault and beating by the groom and his sister.

The video showed that the groom’s sister hit the bride and pushed her to the ground, while her husband forcibly carried her and pushed her back into the car after he threatened the attendees not to interfere.

It also turns out that the bride is an orphan, and that her groom is the son of her cousin. The facts also revealed that a verbal altercation occurred between her and the groom’s sister while she was in the hairdresser’s shop. They exchanged insults, before the groom intervened and took sides with his sister, who demanded that he discipline her in front of everyone.

Threats to the videographer

In addition, Amira Abdel Hakim, the videographer, told Al that she saw the incident by chance while she was on the balcony of a house on Sultan Hussein Street, so she photographed and posted it on the communication sites in sympathy with the bride, but she was surprised to receive threats and the groom’s family claimed that the incident was incorrect.

While the father of the groom said that the bride is his niece, and that what happened was the result of a misunderstanding by Amer, stressing that the reconciliation took place between the newlyweds, and they returned to the marital home to travel to spend the honeymoon in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh.

Ismaili bride

Wedding night hit

And the city of Ismailia, east of Egypt, witnessed an unfortunate incident, where two newlyweds and their relatives exchanged beatings and insults minutes after their wedding, before the bride was injured.

The pioneers of communication in the coastal governorate circulated a video of a street quarrel between two newlyweds, which began with a verbal altercation and developed into a fist fight, then exchanged beatings, and the intervention of the newlyweds’ relatives, ending with the bride being injured and falling to the ground.

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