the hot points of the discussions between doctors and Medicare

The conventional “round” is approaching its end: the unions of liberal doctors and the Health Insurance have until February 28 to agree on their future convention, this contract setting in stone the conditions of exercise and remuneration of the entire profession for the next five years. There is still no agreement in sight, at the end of the six bilateral meetings – for six representative unions (CSMF, MG France, Avenir Spé, UFML, FMF and SML) – which were held on Thursday 16 and Friday February 17.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The “bazaar” of the remuneration of liberal doctors, issue of the conventional battle

New cards have been placed on the negotiating table by the National Health Insurance Fund. It is now recorded that the increase of 1.50 euros proposed for the “basic” consultation of general practitioners (excluding the “territorial commitment contract”, this new lever supposed to facilitate access to care), which would increase their reference rate at 26.50 euros, against 25 euros today, also applies to specialists.

They would thus see their reference price increase to 31.50 euros, against 30 euros currently, and, through the play of increases, to 33.50 euros, for example, for a pediatrician or for a gynecologist (instead of 32 euros), and up to 52.50 euros in cardiology (instead of 51 euros). Far, very far from union expectations.

“It’s a cold shower, reacts Sophie Bauer, at the head of the SML, one of the unions which, for several months, has been demanding a “doubly” of the basic consultation (from 25 to 50 euros, therefore). The amounts advanced do not even catch up with inflation. At this stage, our pen, we keep it at the bottom of the bag! »

“Meeting the health needs of the population”

An organization like the CSMF, which has never aligned itself behind the slogan of a “C to 50”, don’t hide his reservations either. “Doctors are on edgenotes Franck Devulder, its spokesperson, and the fact that 12,000 of them took to the streets [4 500 selon la police], the [mardi] February 14, to express their expectations is not enough to make the government move. We are calling for a revaluation of the work according to the complexity and frequency of the consultations. But to this we are given no answer. »

Medicare wants to push private doctors, in exchange for price increases, to welcome new patients, to engage more in the permanence of care

Or not the expected answer: Medicare persists and signs the idea of“incite” liberal doctors, general practitioners and specialists, to initial a “territorial commitment contract”, translation of the principle “rights and duties” defended up to the highest level of the State. A way of pushing them, in exchange for price increases, to welcome new patients, to commit more to permanent care, to offer “advanced consultations”to provide more call duty in the evenings, on weekends, etc.

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