The Homeland | Manizales: A Glimpse into Colombia’s Heartache and Hope

2023-11-23 05:00:14


-Ramón Elías Henao Henao, 37 years ago

-Ricardo Antonio Ríos Rojas, 35 years old

-José Bertulio López Serna, 34 years old

-Luis Gonzaga Bueno Dávila, 34 years old

-Gloria Inés Gañán, 35 years old

-Jairo Alba Valencia, 34 years old

-Samuel Antonio Muñoz Tapasco, 40 years old

-Edilberto Espinel Ramírez, 37 years old

-Rodrigo Alberto Rodríguez Londoño, 34 years old

-José Noé Medina Moreno, 36 years old

-Cerubín de Jesús Naranjo Jaramillo, 36 years old

-José Albeiro Largo Betancur, 34 years old.

Photos and information taken from Legal Medicine

Top five by 2023

This drama of disappearance has been faced by the families of 6,528 people in the 27 municipalities of Caldas. Of that total, 296 were found dead and 2,754 were found alive. Currently, that sadness is still faced by those close to 3 thousand 478 citizensaccording to updated figures from Legal Medicine.

1. La Dorada. 731 2. Manizales. 722 3. Riosucio. 543 4. Samana. 398 5. Chinchina. 151


Fanny Bernal Orozco, psychologist at the Aurora Grief Centerindicated that news of disappearances in Colombia occur with painful frequency.

-Thousands of family members live every day between anguish and restlessness due to not knowing anything regarding their loved ones, which generates emotional, mental, physical, economic, family, and work-related problems.

-“The uncertainty of not knowing what is happening puts people in a situation in which their limits are overflowed and where it is difficult to maintain control of feelings and attitudes, in addition to the fact that the mourners, family and friends remain in a state of of exaltation that alters blood pressure, produces tachycardia, permanent anxiety and a feeling of constant threat.

-This being the case, walking the path of mourning involves several questions for mourners, such as these: Can you begin to mourn if there is no news regarding the loved one, without certainty of death? Faced with questions like these, it is necessary to affirm that being certain of death, participating in funeral rituals and receiving recognition and social support for pain is essential in the grieving process.

-“Otherwise, the mourners will remain in a desperate search for news, for the body, to know the truth.

It is what researcher Pauline Boss, in the 70s, called Ambiguous Loss, which she defined as “A situation of confusing loss, which is a consequence of not knowing whether a loved one is alive or dead, absent or present.”

-“Faced with this dramatic scenario, the bereaved must receive psychological, medical and sometimes pharmacological support since the abrupt alteration of their daily life generates sleep and eating disorders, and psychosomatic illnesses that can worsen over time. It is also noted “You should pay special attention to symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress.”

-It is important that the social and family support networks that surround the bereaved do so with an empathetic, respectful and compassionate attitude, in which prudent listening without judging and a timely, supportive and warm hug are balms to alleviate the pain of the wounds caused by a disappearance.

-If you require support, contact the Aurora Grief Center: A hug of relief in the most difficult moments.

Telephones 606 893 10 90 / 606 898 33 33, extension 826,, WhatsApp: +57 310 4550728.

#Caldenses #missing #years #Forensic #Medicine



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