The holiday of August 16 – what can’t be done, who has an angel’s day

What is today’s holiday in the church calendar

In 944, the Immaculate Image of our Lord Jesus Christ was transferred from Edessa to Constantinople. The legend says that this image appeared thanks to the Syrian ruler Avgar, who was suffering from leprosy.

After learning about the miracles of Jesus Christ, Avgar wrote a letter to the Savior, asking to heal him. He sent his artist Ananias to Jerusalem with a request to paint an image of Christ.

However, because of the crowd, Ananias could not approach Jesus. The Savior Himself called him and, washing his face, left His face on the tablecloth. Ananias returned with this cloth to Edessa, where Abgar was healed.

The image received great worship in Edessa, so it was installed above the city gates. When one of Avgar’s great-grandsons began to support idolatry, the image was hidden by the bishop for protection.

During the siege of Edessa by the Persian king Chozroi I in 545, the Holy Mother of God appeared to Bishop Eulavius ​​and ordered him to get an image for the salvation of the city. The Crusade with the Image Not Made by Hands helped repel the enemy’s attack.

In 630, the Arabs took control of Edessa, but the worship of the image continued. In 944, Emperor Constantine the Red-Beared moved the image to Constantinople, having bought it from the emir of the city. The image was ceremoniously transported and installed in the Faro Church of the Holy Mother of God.

There are different versions about the further fate of the shrine. Some traditions claim that the Crusaders stole the image during their reign in Constantinople (1204-1261), but the ship it was on sank in the Sea of ​​Marmara. Others say that the image was transferred to Genoa around 1362 and is kept in a monastery in honor of the Apostle Bartholomew.

Pope Gregory II confirmed the healing of Tsar Avgar and the stay of the image in Edessa as a well-known fact. The icon of the Immaculate Conception remains one of the most common icons in Christian iconography.

The Transfer of the Immortal Image of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Image:

What can’t be done today, August 16

According to the beliefs and folk traditions of Ukrainians, today it is advisable not to do the following:

  • Take a long look in the mirror
  • Divination or perform rituals
  • Go to the cemetery
  • Courting and planning a wedding.

It is also not recommended to take out garbage from the house today, because it is believed that together with it you can take out happiness and luck.

There is no ban on work on Horikhovy Spas – on the contrary, you should not be lazy, because it is the time of harvesting and preparing stocks for the winter.

Folk signs and traditions of this day

  • The sunrise is red – to a strong wind in the afternoon
  • Frost on the plants in the morning – the next harvest will be rich
  • Sometimes the clouds block the sun – to bad weather
  • Warm weather – spring will come early
  • The birds have already flown away – expect a cold weather
  • Cobwebs fly in the air – it will be hot in the coming days.

According to the new calendar, on August 16, the holiday of Nut Savior (also called Cloth or Bread) is celebrated. This day traditionally begins the collection of nuts, and also completes the preparation of wheat for the winter.

Also, Ukrainians believe that what the weather will be like today, it will be like that in October.

Who has an angel’s day today?

Today the name day is celebrated: Ivan, Stepan, Oleksandr, Yakiv, Anna.

According to the horoscope, people who were born tomorrow – Levy.

What holidays are still celebrated in Ukraine today

In addition to the church holiday, today there are several state, professional and other holidays and memorial days. The main ones are:

  • World Kite Day
  • Joker Day
  • International Day “Wave at the surveillance camera”
  • Roller Coaster Day in the USA.



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