2023-06-26 06:20:06
the basis of barley, hops, yeast and water, the beer has its origin in the year 4,000 BC, in the region of Mesopotamia. A accidental discovery, since the water was mixed with the cereals to give birth to the creation. The Sumerians moistened the bread with water and yeast fermented the melt until turn it into an alcoholic drink.
In Egypt it took the name of zythum and went very consumed by the people, while the drink of the upper classes was wine. The Egyptians were the first to commercialize it, but they changed the formula: they added spelled instead of barley because the price of this cereal was expensive. They added malt, saffron, ginger, honey, and cumin. Later, the Greeks inherited the recipe and passed it on to the Romans, who named the beer Beer by the goddess of agriculture Ceres.
This spread throughout the world until it became one of the most popular drinks. Each country, yes, used its cereal instead of barley: in Japan they made the product with rice, in China with wheat and in Russia with rye. In the north of Europe was heavily consumed for its nutrientsalso the monks They improved the recipe.
However, its golden age begins in the century XVIII thanks to the steam engine, which joined the industry to brew beer. In addition, a cold beer began to be created.
Many countries today have their own beer, such as Japan with SapporoIreland with GuinnessMexico with CoronaHolland with HeinekenGermany with Paulaner or Spain, which has one of the best nationally: Estrella Galicia. Country in which the drink was popularized in the 16th century by Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany following the emperor set up a small brewery in the Monastery of Yuste.
Now, the American Larry Shy has found the Spanish drink in one of the stores in Florida, United States. “I’m in a store looking for my non-alcoholic beer, because I don’t drink alcohol, and I have seen that we have Estrella Galicia, I never find it“, he said excitedly.
Larry then proceeds to pull some beers aside. “What we will do is bring these [las de la marca española] in front”, she expresses while pointing out that the others “don’t matter”. The video ends with a “Long live Spain”.
“Give him an award for promoting the national product”
The video has received more than more than 103,000 reproductions, more than 2,000 ‘likes’ and more than 50 comments. Those of users complimenting Larry stand out with phrases such as: “Give him an award for promoting the national product”, “if they ask me I will say that Larry is our Minister of Consumption”, “I think this man is the one who is going to tend bridges between the US and Spain to recover Gibraltar” or “this guy has done more for Spain than many of us, at your feet”.
[Una española lleva a sus padres a desayunar a un restaurante de EEUU: “Esto es una locura”]
Some followers have taken the opportunity to feel proud of their land: “Viva Galicia”. While others have also mentioned the beer company to make them aware of the : “I have to pass this on to @estrellagalicia”, “@estrellagalicia hire Larry for your next ad campaign. The slogan is already put by him”, “Gentlemen from @estrellagalicia, it is already taking time to send the non-alcoholic toast to Florida. If they are freaked out by the normal, they will hallucinate with the toast” or “@estrellagalicia there is Larry, a man from Florida who, without a doubt, It has good taste“.
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