The Highest Rated Livestock Company in Animal Welfare Certifications – Cefusa, Grupo Fuertes

2023-10-26 10:20:29

The company achieves the highest rating in its double certifications in both pork and beef


Cefusa, a livestock company of Grupo Fuertes, achieves a double certification, with the highest qualification, in Animal Welfare for all its pig and beef livestock. On the one hand, it has obtained the B+ Animal Welfare Commitment certification managed by the Interprofessionals of each species, Interporc and ASICI for pigs and Provacuno for cattle, and, in addition, the Welfair Animal Welfare certification (approved by IRTA and NEIKER). .

These quality seals ensure the good practices carried out in terms of animal welfare, health, biosafety, animal management and traceability that Cefusa develops, according to sources from the Fuertes Group in a statement.

Cefusa was the first livestock company to certify the Animal Welfare seal in white-coated pigs according to the Interporc Technical Regulations, in Iberian pigs, from the interprofessional ASICI, and in beef from the interprofessional PROVACUNO. The requirements implied by these certifications, which are voluntary, are subject to an audit process that guarantees the consumer that the animal has received the necessary care for its well-being in all phases of production, with ethical and sustainable practices.

The company has expressed its “express commitment and that of its farmers integrated into good pig management, and in cattle and in animal welfare, health, biosafety, traceability and sustainability practices, guaranteeing the use of good practices throughout the chain food and maximum transparency to the consumer”.

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