The highest, level three flood protection preparedness will be ordered in Budapest from Monday

September 14, 2024 – 5:23 p.m

According to the latest forecasts, the water level of the Danube near Budapest will rise by one meter per day from Monday, therefore, according to the mayor’s office on Saturday, the level of flood protection preparedness in the capital will rise to degree three from Monday, MTI reports.

As it was written, at such a water level, the defense becomes much more intense, which is why preparedness will be raised to the highest possible level on Monday, September 16, from zero o’clock on all sections of Budapest. Gergely Karácsony announced on Friday that he had ordered a second level of preparedness, after the water level of the Danube rose significantly in Budapest due to the brutal Austrian rains of the past few days.

For this reason, parking on the lower quays is also prohibited today, and the cars still standing there will begin to be removed from tomorrow afternoon.

Based on current data, the Danube is expected to peak in the second half of next week, with a water level exceeding eight meters. On Friday, it was said that a water level of around 8 meters can be expected, which exceeds the water level of the flood last December and this June, but does not reach the level experienced during the great flood of 2013.

The Capital Sewerage Works, which is responsible for the protection, will start the work necessary for the protection on Monday, for this reason Királyok út will be closed to road traffic. The protection of the lower parts of Margit Island will be strengthened with sandbags, and depending on the situation, this may also be closed in the middle of next week. The lower quay is expected to be flooded by the Danube on Tuesday, September 17, and these sections will not be reopened until the flood recedes.

In order to ensure the uninterrupted supply of drinking water to Budapest and the surrounding settlements, the Capital Waterworks has begun an increased inspection of wells, engine houses and pumps in operation. The quality of the drinking water is constantly checked by the company’s laboratory. In addition, based on the current forecasts, restrictions will probably be necessary in public transport in the areas along the river in the middle of next week, the details of which can be determined by the experts at the beginning of next week.

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