The Hidden Gaze: Understanding Women’s Feelings of Surveillance While Driving

2024-09-07 11:50:22

International Women Drivers Day draws attention to women drivers’ perspectives on behaviour.

A survey conducted by the Czech online magazine Zena v for female drivers contacted 1,485 female drivers from around the world via an online questionnaire.

It revealed that 78% of female drivers consider road aggression to be a serious problem and 69% of respondents think that aggressive behaviour on the roads has been increasing.

The survey was conducted during May 2024 in 20 countries around the world (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States). The survey’s expert advisor was Platforma Vize0.

«Using a questionnaire, we analysed how women drivers feel, what they fear, how they behave behind the wheel and on the road. The results of the survey are remarkable,» says Sabina Kvášová, jury member from the Czech Republic and editor-in-chief of the magazine Zena v, who conducted the survey.

Concerns when driving

What are female drivers afraid of when driving? According to the study, there are three main issues that concern female drivers: aggressive drivers (22%), accidents (20%) and driving with reduced visibility (20%), followed by skidding (13%) and collisions with animals (9%). Around 16% of respondents believe there is cause for concern.

It is interesting to note the responses that vary from one country to another.

For example, aggressive drivers as the main concern while driving was reported mainly by respondents from the USA (82%), Spain (31%) and Poland (38%).

Accidents as the main fear were represented in the responses from Italy (51%), Poland (35%) and Germany (31%). Driving with reduced visibility is a concern mainly for female drivers in the United Kingdom (52%), Germany (50%) and Poland (20%).

The survey revealed that 78% of female drivers consider road aggression to be a serious problem and 69% of respondents think that aggressive behaviour on the roads has been increasing.

Sabina Kvasova, survey organizer and WWCOTY jury member, said that the majority of female drivers worldwide occasionally (55%) encounter aggressive behavior on the roads.

Only 25% of respondents encounter aggressive behavior every day, 20% several times a week.

What women drivers propose

When asked what measures should be taken against aggressors, female drivers around the world mainly support strict sanctions (45%), specialized psychological therapy programs (27%), training of future drivers (20%) and prevention campaigns (6%).

Looking at individual countries, female drivers strongly support strict penalties against aggressive drivers in Denmark and Serbia (97%), followed by the United States (54%) and Italy (50%).

The obligation to undergo a specialized psychological therapy program for drivers and the subsequent psychological evaluation of the driver’s mental abilities is strongly supported in Denmark, Serbia (97%), the USA (54%) and Poland, as well as in Colombia (50%).

Future drivers should be made aware of the risks associated with road rage during their training, as a proposed measure is supported by the UK (43%), Italy (42%), Spain (30%).

Prevention campaigns about the dangers of aggression were mentioned most frequently in the responses of respondents from the USA (45%), Poland (37%) and Germany (24%).

International Women’s Drivers Day, a day that champions mobility as an inalienable right that contributes to the freedom, dignity and personal and professional development of women, is the perfect organization to highlight this survey.

Driving opens the door to independence for millions of women around the world to seek a better future, achieve fairer living conditions and pursue their passion for motorsports.

Today, women influence more than 80% of car purchases in advanced countries. This number will continue or grow in the coming years.

“The percentage of young female university students is already higher in developed countries. Equal pay is starting to become an achievable goal, boards of directors are no longer exclusively male and it is not unusual to see more and more women’s names on the lists of the richest people in the world,” says Marta García, executive president of WWCOTY.

International Women Drivers Day is also celebrated by amplifying the importance of women expressing their opinions and experiences about cars on social media.

The number of women on Instagram worldwide is 53.6%, Facebook 44%, LinkedIn 43.7% and TikTok 49.2%. For women, it is not just about performance and safety, but also about saving the planet through environmental awareness without losing the right to freedom to come and go where and when you want.

Many women still feel monitored by their partners when they drive, only use the second family car or feel little support in the world of motoring.

That’s why the celebration of International Women’s Drivers Day, an initiative promoted by Women’s World Car of the Year, is more important than ever. A future of sustainable mobility and equality is only possible with the contribution of women.

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Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title ​**International Women Driver’s Day: Insights into Women’s Perspectives on Road Safety**:

International Women Driver’s Day: Insights into ​Women’s Perspectives on Road Safety

International Women Driver’s Day⁣ is a celebration dedicated ⁢to recognizing⁣ the role of women⁣ in the automotive⁤ industry and highlighting their concerns and ⁣opinions on road safety. This special day is observed on June 24th, as declared by the Women’s Worldwide Car of the Year (WWCOTY) organization [[1]]. ⁣While it is not as widely recognized as International Women’s Day, which is celebrated on March 8th [[2]], it shares a similar goal of empowering and promoting women’s rights and interests.

A recent‍ survey ‌conducted by the‍ Czech ‍online magazine Zena v ​sheds light on the perspectives of female drivers worldwide. The survey, which contacted 1,485 female drivers from 20 countries, revealed​ some striking insights into the concerns and behaviors of women ⁣behind the ​wheel.

Concerns ⁤on the ​Road

The survey found that 78%⁣ of‌ female drivers consider road aggression to be a serious problem, with‌ 69% believing that aggressive behavior on the roads has been increasing. This is a pressing concern, as aggressive driving can lead to accidents and ‍put other road users at risk.

When asked about their fears while driving, female​ drivers ⁢cited aggressive drivers​ (22%), accidents (20%), and driving with reduced visibility (20%) as their top concerns. These fears vary by country, with respondents from the USA, Spain, and Poland expressing the most⁣ concern about aggressive drivers.​ Italian, ‍Polish, and ⁢German drivers, on the other hand, are more fearful⁣ of accidents.

Aggressive Behavior on the Roads

The survey revealed that ⁣the majority of female drivers (55%) occasionally encounter aggressive behavior on the roads. However, only 25% of respondents encounter aggressive behavior every day, with 20% experiencing it several times a week.

The Importance of Road Safety

The survey’s findings highlight the ⁢need⁣ for greater emphasis on road safety and reducing aggressive behavior on the roads. By promoting responsible driving practices and creating a more respectful driving culture, we can reduce the risk of accidents ‍and create a safer environment for all road users.

International Women Driver’s Day serves as a reminder of the importance of recognizing and addressing the concerns of female drivers. By promoting road safety and reducing⁢ aggressive behavior, we ⁢can ⁢create a safer and more respectful driving environment for everyone.


[1] Women’s Worldwide Car of the Year. ​(n.d.). The role of women in motorsports. Retrieved from

[2] Wikipedia. (n.d.). International Women’s Day. Retrieved from <>

Note:⁢ The article has been ⁢written ​to provide comprehensive information on the topic



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