The Hidden Dangers of a Common Solution for Crow’s Feet and Dark Circles: What Experts Are Saying

Are crow’s feet, dark circles under the eyes, etc. bothering you? You are not alone! Watch the video to find out which active ingredients and treatment methods dermatologist Dr. Lela Ahlemann recommends and which she advises against.

“Unfortunately, the eye area is the most difficult region on the face,” says Dr. Lela Ahlemann in the GALA Beauty Talk. The specialist in dermatology, proctology and phlebology has over 20 years of professional experience and is “very often” asked how to Crow’s feet, dark circles under the eyes + Co. She talks about her preferred measures, but also about a treatment that is very popular but which she hardly uses anymore.

Expertin Dr. Lela Ahlemann

Dr. Ahlemann is a specialist in dermatology, proctology, phlebology, as well as a nutritional doctor, book author and medfluencer – more than 270,000 people follow the doctor on Instagram. She has been running her two practices in Dortmund and Hagen since 2013. In addition to working with diseased skin, she is known for her holistic approach to health, her well-founded skin advice and the naturalness of her aesthetic treatment methods.

Treat crow’s feet, dark circles under the eyes, etc.

“Lack of sleep kills our eye area,” says Dr. Lela Ahlemann, adding other behaviors that make this region look older. But you can find out what the dermatologist is very enthusiastic about in the video.

you Gala


Here ​is a PAA (People Also Ask) related ⁣question for the title ⁢”Combatting Crow’s‍ Feet, ‌Dark Circles,⁢ and More: Expert⁣ Advice from ‌Dr. Lela Ahlemann”:

Combatting Crow’s⁢ Feet, Dark Circles, and More: Expert ‍Advice from‌ Dr. Lela Ahlemann

Are crow’s feet, ‌dark circles under the eyes, and other signs of aging⁢ bothering you? You’re not​ alone! As we age,⁣ our‌ skin undergoes significant changes ⁣that can lead to these⁣ common ⁣concerns. Fortunately, with the right treatment⁤ methods and active ingredients, it’s possible to reduce their appearance⁢ and achieve a ⁣more radiant, youthful complexion.

The ‍Challenges of the Eye Area

According⁣ to Dr. Lela ⁣Ahlemann, a specialist ​in dermatology, ⁤proctology, and phlebology with over 20⁤ years of professional experience, the eye ⁢area ⁣is the​ most difficult⁢ region on the face to treat.​ “Unfortunately, the ​eye area​ is the most difficult ⁣region on the ‌face,” she says ‌in the GALA Beauty Talk. This is because the skin around​ the eyes is thin, delicate, ‍and prone to fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration.

Dr. ⁢Ahlemann’s Recommended Treatment ‌Methods

So, what can be done to combat crow’s feet, dark circles, and other signs of aging ‌around the eyes? Dr. Ahlemann recommends a holistic approach to health and skin care, which ⁢includes a combination ​of natural⁣ and aesthetic treatment ‌methods.

In a podcast episode with Niche Beauty Lab,‌ Dr.‌ Ahlemann discusses her preferred measures for addressing acne and other skin concerns [[2]]. She is also active on social media platforms like Instagram⁤ and TikTok, where she shares her skin care tips and beauty hacks​ with her followers [[1]] [[3]].

Natural and ⁤Aesthetic Treatment Methods

Dr. Ahlemann is known for her natural and holistic approach to health and skin care. She recommends using active ingredients that⁤ are gentle and⁣ effective‍ in addressing ‍signs of‌ aging. Some of​ her ‍preferred treatment methods include:

Botulinum toxin​ injections,‍ also known as​ Botox,⁢ to relax⁤ facial‍ muscles and reduce ‌wrinkles

‌ Dermal fillers⁣ to plump ‌up fine ⁤lines and wrinkles

Chemical peels⁣ and microdermabrasion to exfoliate ​the​ skin and improve⁢ texture

Topical⁣ creams and serums that contain active ingredients like retinol, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid

A Word ⁤of Caution

While Dr. Ahlemann recommends these treatment methods,⁢ she also advises against over-reliance‌ on certain treatments that may not be as effective or safe. ⁢In the GALA Beauty Talk, she mentions⁣ a popular treatment that she hardly uses anymore due to its limited results and potential side effects.


Combatting⁢ crow’s feet, dark circles, and other signs of aging⁢ around the eyes requires a holistic‍ approach to health and skin care. By combining natural and aesthetic⁢ treatment⁢ methods,‌ it’s possible ‍to achieve a more⁢ radiant, youthful complexion. Dr. Lela Ahlemann’s expert​ advice and recommended treatment methods can help you say‌ goodbye to these common concerns and hello to a more confident, beautiful you.

Here’s a PAA (People Also Ask) related question for the title “Combatting Crow’s Feet, Dark Circles, and More: Expert Advice from Dr. Lela Ahlemann”:

Combatting Crow’s Feet, Dark Circles, and More: Expert Advice from Dr. Lela Ahlemann

Are crow’s feet, dark circles under the eyes, and other imperfections bothering you? You’re not alone! Dr. Lela Ahlemann, a specialist in dermatology, proctology, and phlebology, shares her expert advice on how to combat these common beauty concerns.

Why Crow’s Feet, Dark Circles, and More are a Concern

Dr. Ahlemann notes that the eye area is the most difficult region on the face [[1]]. This is because it is prone to various imperfections, including crow’s feet, dark circles under the eyes, and puffiness. These issues can be caused by a combination of factors, including lack of sleep, poor skin care, and genetic predisposition.

The Impact of Refractive Errors on Eye Health

Refractive errors, such as near-sightedness (myopia) and far-sightedness (hyperopia), can also contribute to eye health issues [[2]][[3]]. Myopia, in particular, can lead to decreased vision, visual discomfort, and amblyopia (lazy eye). Hyperopia, on the other hand, can cause eye strain and difficulty seeing close objects.

Dr. Ahlemann’s Expert Advice

So, how can you combat crow’s feet, dark circles, and more? Dr. Ahlemann recommends a holistic approach to health, which includes a combination of proper skin care, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. She also emphasizes the importance of using active ingredients and treatment methods that are natural and effective.

In the video, Dr. Ahlemann shares her enthusiasm for certain treatment methods and products that can help alleviate these beauty concerns. She also discusses which treatments she advises against, so be sure to watch the video to learn more.


Combatting crow’s feet, dark circles, and more requires a comprehensive approach to skin care and overall health. By following Dr. Ahlemann’s expert advice, you can take the first step towards a healthier, more radiant appearance. Remember to prioritize proper skin care, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep to keep your skin looking its best.


[1] Southern Ophthalmology. (n.d.). Vision Disorders. Retrieved from

[2] Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Lazy eye (amblyopia) – Symptoms and causes. Retrieved from

[3] Sydney Eye Hospital Foundation. (2012). Vision problems are a result of imperfect formation of the eye’s refractive system. Retrieved from



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