2024-01-16 08:04:42
Hidden brain-body connection may be the answer to aging
Researchers have used genetic engineering to increase the lifespan of mice by seven percent.
Scientists have discovered a unique mechanism for the influence of fat tissue on life expectancy, working through a connection with the brain. In the new research conducted on mice, it was revealed that adipose tissue exchanges signals with a group of neurons in the hypothalamus, which regulates basic body functions such as temperature regulation and respiration.
As we age, this connection weakens, causing fat cells to lose their ability to perform their many functions and neurons to transmit information. A team of scientists led by Dr. Shinichiro Imai from the University of Washington found that genetically altering the behavior of the Ppp1r17 protein in aging mice increased their lifespan by seven percent. This is equivalent to increasing the average human life expectancy by more than five years.
The study also found that aging mice in which the connection between fat tissue and the brain was reactivated had a more youthful appearance, activity and health. They have become more active and well-groomed, which is a sign of youth and health.
Scientific work to study the connections between the brain and the body on the way to understanding the mechanisms of longevity is becoming increasingly relevant. The team continues to explore ways to optimize the connection between fat tissue and the brain as we age. These discoveries might be the key to increasing healthy life expectancy in humans.
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