The Healthiest Yogurt: A Guide to Boosting Gut Health and Immunity

2024-03-16 10:24:36

  • Fulda newspaper
  • counselor
  • Many people like to eat yogurt every now and then. The sour milk product is said to have many health-promoting effects. This is the healthiest yogurt.

    Germany – For breakfast, dinner or as a snack in between: Yoghurt is touted as a healthy food and is often eaten with fruit and/or oatmeal by fitness influencers. The milk product is said to have health-promoting properties and is also said to be filling. Of course, it’s best to grab the healthiest yoghurt from the wide range straight away. writes

    Yoghurt: List shows the healthiest varieties – second place is particularly good for the intestines

    Yogurt is a fermented milk product that is created when certain lactic acid bacteria are added to (usually boiled) milk and the mixture is left to stand at a higher temperature for a few hours. Yogurt can be used in many ways as a food, whether as a snack or for dressings, cakes, ice cream or other desserts. It is considered tasty, light, low in calories, filling, healthy for the intestines and a good source of protein and calcium.

    The consumption of yogurt in Germany in 1991 was 12.2 kilograms per person per year. In 2016 it was already 16.8 kilograms. No wonder, because yogurt offers several benefits for the body. On the one hand, yogurt, like any dairy product, is a good source of protein, it provides plenty of calcium for bones and teeth, comes with vitamins D and B12 and supports intestinal health with probiotic bacteria.

    As is often the case with appealing advantages but also disadvantages. There are many different types of yogurt, which also have different quality. So it can happen that sometimes you choose a good yogurt, but sometimes you choose a bad yogurt. Another big disadvantage is that many people suffer from milk intolerance and therefore cannot eat animal yoghurt.

    Greek yogurt: Low in calories, high in protein and filling

    Despite its good image, not all yogurt is healthy. For example, many fruit varieties have a lot of sugar added to them. It’s still best to buy a yogurt without fruit and then add fruit or other additives yourself when you get home. such as oatmeal. Basically, Greek yogurt is considered the healthiest. It is low in calories but very rich in proteins and its thick, creamy texture keeps you full for a particularly long time. HEIDELBERG24 has the healthiest types of yogurt at a glance:

    • 1st place: Greek yogurt
    • 2nd place: natural yogurt
    • 3rd place: Yoghurt made from goat or sheep milk

    Compared to natural yogurt, Greek yogurt contains almost twice as much protein, hardly any carbohydrates, but almost 10 percent more fat. Since it fills you up well, it is the perfect snack for nutrition-conscious and sporty people. However, if you regularly suffer from intestinal problems or simply want to support your intestinal flora, you should use sour milk products and thus solid natural yogurt. Anyone who likes to eat cheese You should also regularly choose the healthiest cheese.

    Natural yogurt is best for intestinal flora – pay attention to “good bacteria”.

    When shopping for solid natural yoghurt, it is important to make sure that the “good bacteria” such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus are declared on the packaging. Lactobacillus is an acid generator and has a positive effect on both constipation and diarrhea and also strengthens our intestines.

    When shopping for solid natural yoghurt, it is important to make sure that the “good bacteria” are declared on the packaging. © Zacharie Scheurer/dpa-tmn

    Because of all the health benefits that yogurt brings, it is recommended to consume it several times a week to daily. After all, yogurt is an immune system booster. A large part of the immune defense takes place in the intestine, where harmful putrefactive bacteria and their toxins have to be kept in check. The probiotic bacteria in yogurt fight harmful germs by producing lactic acid. If You can actually cover yogurt with aluminum foilknows LUDWIGSHAFEN24.

    The probiotic lactic acid bacteria in yogurt also have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect thanks to their high output of vitamins B5 and B12. A 2018 study by the University of Oxford also found that daily consumption of yogurt can significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack: by around 20 percent in men and even 30 percent in women. Consuming yogurt promotes healthy bones and teeth and also reduces the risk of vaginal infections. (rah)

    #List #shows #healthiest #yogurt #place #good #intestines



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