The Health Benefits of Sex: Boosting Immunity, Strengthening the Heart, and More!

2024-01-14 01:45:34

It reduces stress, headaches, menopause symptoms, cures insomnia, and even prevents prostate cancer. It is an ancient remedy, but more and more studies support it: sex.

Strengthens immunity

That sex fights the flu is not a myth. At least this is confirmed by a study carried out by Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, in which it was found that university students who had sexual relations one to two times a week showed significantly higher amounts of immunoglobulin A in their bodies than those who practiced it less frequently. The latter is an antibody of the mucous membranes that defends the body once morest infections.

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Good for the heart

Sex is good for the heart, and we are not speaking metaphorically, but literally. For a person who is sexually active and exercises regularly, the risk of heart problems will be lower. This was confirmed by a study published in The American Journal of Cardiology (in English) in which it was concluded that men who had sex at least twice a week were 50% less likely to die from heart disease compared to men. They had sex once a month.

Additionally, British researchers conducted another study among 914 men over 20 years and found that with increased sexual activity, the risk of stroke and heart attack decreased. Also in women, a satisfactory sex life reduces the likelihood of suffering from peripheral arterial disease, which narrows the arteries and can lead to stroke.

Strengthens the pelvic floor

Having sex is pure gym. This is demonstrated by the study published by the International Urogynecology Journal, which states that sexually active women strengthen the pelvic floor more by exercising the muscles of the genital area. With sexual arousal, muscle tension in the pelvic region increases, and during orgasm all muscles contract. This benefit leads to another, having more control over the bladder, which helps prevent incontinence. It also strengthens the pelvic floor in men, which prevents erectile dysfunction.

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Reduces symptoms of menopause

Good sex counteracts vaginal dryness and atrophy produced by menopause, because it stimulates blood circulation and maintains the health, tone and elasticity of vaginal tissues.

Reduces risk of prostate cancer

Reduce stress

There is no better remedy for accumulated stress than a sexual release. When a person is stressed, their body releases the hormone called cortisol. A 2019 study showed that intimacy with a partner, even if it is not sexual, causes elevated levels of cortisol to decrease, both in them and in them.

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Gym complement

Although having sex as a couple is not going to be the same as a session at the gym, it counts as physical activity. Canadian research was published in Plos One in which men burned an average of 101 calories during a 24-minute sexual session, while women burned 69 calories.

Goodbye psychologist

It’s no secret to anyone that good sex makes us smile. Well, science is on our side, various studies suggest that frequent sexual activity would have a beneficial effect on the brain, especially in older adults. In a 2016 study of 7,000 adults ages 50 to 89, it was found that those who had sex more frequently performed better on memory tests.

See you, insomnia

Goodbye counting sheep to sleep. During sex, the body secretes hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin, which induce feelings of pleasure and relaxation. Cortisol, which is related to stress, is also reduced. This causes the couple to feel relaxed, sleepy and fall asleep following the sexual act.

Fountain of eternal youth

In Ikaria, Greece, a region of the world where the population lives many years longer than the average, more than 80% of its inhabitants, between 65 and 100 years old, have sexual relations, published Blue Zones, an organization that researches the longest-lived cultures in the world. planet.

Likewise, a study of 15,269 adults in the United States, published in 2020 in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, found that mortality rates were 50% lower among those who had sexual intercourse at least once a year. week.

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