“The Health and Therapeutic Benefits of Anise: Expelling Phlegm, Treating Headaches and Shortness of Breath”

2023-05-22 14:31:13

Anise.. Many health and therapeutic benefits, most notably expelling phlegm, coughing, and treating headaches and shortness of breath

anise It is a herb with a height of regarding half a meter, with a thin, ribbed stem, from which long branches emerge that bear serrated, round-shaped leaves. At the end of the branches, small, oval-shaped flowers with a pressed head, white in color, turn into small brown fruits following maturity.

It is a well-known plant from the Apiaceae family, and it is different from the “anise” known as fennel. Its stem is thin, ribbed, from which long branches branch out bearing round serrated leaves, and the flowers are small and oval in shape.

Known anise Scientifically known as Pimpinella anisum, it belongs to the umbrella family. Anise is known by several names, so it is known as Yankoun, Taqdeh, and Sweet Cumin, and in Morocco they call it the sweet seed, and in the Levant they forget.

Origin of anise:

Its original homeland is unknown, but most references suggest its original homeland to Egypt, where archaeologists found the fruits of anise in the tombs of the eastern desert of the city of Thebes, as anise was mentioned in the Pharaonic manuscripts among several medicinal recipes. India, Japan, south and east of the United States of America.

Anise Chemical Contents:

Anise contains volatile oil, which is the main component, and the anethole compound occupies the main component in the oil, astragol, anise aldehyde, caffeine acid, and its derivatives are chlorogenic acid. It also contains flavonoids, the most important of which is apgenin, and fatty oils. It contains 3% volatile oil, anethole and methylchanicol from volatile oil, the estrogen hormone and fixed oil.

What does anise treat:

– Expel phlegm and cough if used hot or lukewarm.
Gas expulsion and hot drink treats intestinal colic.
– The treatment of some types of headaches, shortness of breath and fatigue.
Strong stimulant for the digestive system.
Treatment of dropsy and weakness of the kidneys and spleen.
It is useful in cases of convulsions because it contains anethole.
It is useful in cases of asthma.
Strengthens the digestive system in the elderly.
Increases milk production when breastfeeding.
Its oil is added to many medicines, especially laxatives, to prevent colic.
Its lukewarm drink is useful in treating colic caused by indigestion in children.
Appetizing, it also cleans the vocal cords and improves the voice.
It is used in the manufacture of cosmetics, antiseptic solutions and toothpastes.

Anise.. Learn regarding the most important health and therapeutic benefits

Anise in ancient medicine:

Anise is an ancient Egyptian plant that occupied an important therapeutic place for the Pharaohs and is still cultivated in abundance today in the governorates of Upper Egypt. The decoction of aniseed seeds came in the Pharaonic papyrus of Ebers as a drink to treat stomach pain, disorders and dysuria, and it was stated in the Hearst papyrus that anise is a carminative and the ancient Egyptians used it as a stimulant, fragrant, diaphoretic, and once morest flatulence by expelling gases, as well as as part of mouthwash and a treatment for gum and dental pain.

Hippocrates, the chief of physicians, recommended eating this plant to relieve constipation Respiratory system From mucous substances, while the contemporary of Hippocrates Theophrast was more romantic, he used to say: “If a person puts anise near his bed at night, he will see beautiful dreams, thanks to its sweet fragrance.” The ancient Pliny, the Roman naturalist, recommended chewing fresh anise seeds to moisturize and refresh the breath and help digestion following heavy meals.

John Gerrard, the ancient British herbalist, recommended taking anise to prevent hiccups, as well as describing this plant to produce milk in lactating women and as a treatment for water retention, headaches, asthma, bronchitis, insomnia and nausea. Anise is considered one of the plants that kill lice, reduce colic in infants, and heal from cholera and even cancer. In the United States during the nineteenth century, eclectic doctors recommended eating anise to relieve stomach pain, nausea, intestinal gas, and infant colic.

And in Central America it was Lactating They eat anise to produce milk, and anise was a very important commercial commodity in all countries of the ancient Mediterranean basin, to the extent that it was used as a currency in circulation to pay taxes. Anise has reached a great degree of popularity as a seasoning, medicine and perfume in Britain in the Middle Ages, so that King Edward I imposed He owes a tax to repair the London Bridge.

Health benefits of anise

Dawood of Antioch says in his anise ticket: “It expels wind, removes headaches, chest pains, shortness of breath, chronic cough, diuretics, and increases generalization.

Ibn Sina says in the law, if anise is crushed and mixed with rose oil and dripped into the ear, it heals what is exposed in its interior from a shock or blow and for their pains as well, just as anise is useful as a hot drink with milk. To treat insomnia And calm nerves.

Boiled anise is a hot drink that relieves intestinal colic in infants, children and adults. It is also useful in expelling gases. It is also useful in asthma attacks. It increases milk production in nursing mothers. Anise is used in many moods of coughing and expectorant. It is also useful in some types of headaches, shortness of breath, and a strong stimulant for the digestive system. And an aperitif.

Anise oil is also used in the manufacture of laxative tablets and laxatives such as senna leaves, as well as in the manufacture of many types of lozenges that are taken to relieve sore throat and sore throat.

Benefits of drinking anise

– Benefit Anise drink In the treatment of constipation, as it is considered a natural laxative for the intestines and a remedy for nausea, and it is also used in expelling gases, relieving the pain of gastrointestinal spasms, and relieving cases of digestive problems and poor digestion.

Anise is used to produce breast-feeding milk and relieve digestive problems in the infant, but research supporting its role in increasing milk supply is still not sufficient to prove this effect.
Anise is a muscle relaxant and antispasmodic.
Anise is considered an appetizer.
Anise contains powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals.
Anise contributes to the expulsion of phlegm.
Anise contributes to alleviating cough symptoms, as one of the scientific experiments studied the effect of a mixture of herbs consisting of dry ivy leaf extract, anise decoction, thyme, and gels “Mucilages” of the root of the marshmallow plant “in English: Marshmallow root” on 62 people between the ages of 16- 89 years old suffer from cough due to a common cold, bronchitis, or other respiratory diseases in which phlegm is formed, and this study found an improvement in cough symptoms following taking this treatment, and some preliminary research suggests that drinking a cup of tea with a mixture of anise and chamomile, And saffron, fennel, caraway, licorice, cardamom, and black seed relieve cough and sleep discomfort in people with allergic asthma.

Drinking anise contributes to the treatment of stomach ulcers by reducing the damage to the mucous membrane due to ulcer-stimulating substances.
Anise acts as an antibacterial and fungal, as it was found that both anise extracts and its volatile oil are effective in eliminating many types of bacteria and fungi.

Drinking anise contributes to virus resistance.
Anise contributes to the resistance to diabetes, as a study found that eating 5 gm of anise seed powder daily for 60 days resulted in a decrease in the blood sugar level by 36%, in addition to reducing triglycerides, lowering cholesterol, and reducing oxidation of blood proteins and lipids. Fats”.
Anise contributes to relieving menstrual pain, as a study found that eating a product containing anise, saffron, and celery seeds reduces the duration and severity of menstrual pain.
Anise can contribute to the regeneration of liver cells.
Some scientific studies have found the ability of anethole, “the main component of anise essential oil,” to kill cancerous cells and reduce the size of tumors.
– Some preliminary research indicates a role for anise in stimulating menstruation, and in increasing sexual desire, but these results need more scientific research to prove them.

anise potion

There are no scientific studies that determine the doses that should be taken from anise, but the following doses were determined by experts through clinical trials, where a dose was determined for adults and children from 12 years of age and over to treat cases of gastrointestinal cramps and flatulence, and as an expectorant in coughing and colds It was determined to give anise tea prepared from 1-5 gm of crushed anise fruits with 150 ml of water two to three times a day in these cases, and it must be taken into account not to take any anise extract that contains more than 5 gm for a period exceeding two weeks without consultation. Doctor, as for infants, a teaspoon of ground anise can be added to breast-feeding milk.

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