The Healing Properties of Hawthorn: Benefits, Use, and Contraindications

2023-06-22 17:39:23

hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) has multiple uses and is very valuable to man. It has been used for rituals, as a living hedge and as an ornamental plant in gardens. But this time we will focus on the healing properties of hawthorn. As early as ancient Rome, the famous pharmacologist Dioscorides was already talking regarding the uses of this precious plant. Continue reading this article from ProjetÉcolo in which we tell you all regarding Hawthorn: benefits, use, contraindications.

What are the characteristics of hawthorn?

Hawthorn is a deciduous tree, whose scientific name is Crataegus monogyna. It is found as a tree up to 6 meters high or as a hedge tree pruned lower. It belongs to the Rosaceae family, which means that it has woody stems and a floral pedicel.

Hawthorn is characterized by its white flowers with five petals, very aromatic, which appear in the spring. Their hatching announces the departure of the cold and the arrival of the heat. They produce a round red fruitslightly sweet and without much flavor.

Hawthorn owes its name to the aforementioned flowers and its thorn-covered branches. In addition, its leaves are bright green, simple and slightly lobed. Hawthorn is native to Asia, Europe and Africa, but today it is also found in America. It is suitable for temperate climate zones.

Hawthorn properties

Hawthorn contains flavonoid derivatives, proanthocyanins, sugar, alcohol, terpenes and essential oils. All these components give hawthorn the following properties:

CardioprotectiveAntioxidantsAnti-platelet aggregationAntithromboticsGastroprotectiveAnxiolyticsAnti-inflammatoriesVasodilatorsAntiarrhythmicsAntibacterials

Just like the properties of hawthorn, you may be interested in the Properties of rosemary: benefits, uses and preparation.

Benefits of hawthorn

What is hawthorn used for? Hawthorn’s uses and benefits focus on treating problems in the body. Among the most important are the following:

Help with heart failure

Hawthorn is used when heart performance is not optimal. It helps him to regain his optimal state by regulating its rhythm and helping to improve heart muscle strength. Hawthorn has also been used to treat patients who have suffered a heart attack.

It is important to mention that hawthorn extracts are approved by New York Associationso its use is extremely beneficial.

Regulation of blood pressure

In addition to its cardioprotective capacity, hawthorn contributes to lower blood pressurewhich is very beneficial for people with high blood pressure and blood circulation resistance.

Sedative effect

Hawthorn helps with nervous arrhythmias, as it has a sedative effect. This state of relaxation is achieved by reducing the excitability of the heart. It can be used not only in nervous arrhythmias, but also in states of insomnia due to stress or anxiety.

Hawthorn improves quality of life

Regular intake of hawthorn can help any individual, not just those who suffer from any of the aforementioned conditions. This plant helps to reduce apathy, fatigue, rapid exhaustion and improves physical condition during exercise.

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How to consume hawthorn?

The most consumed part of hawthorn is its flower. They should be harvested when the buds are regarding to open. They should be dried in a dry, shady place. They are ingested in the form of herbal tea, at the rate of one teaspoon per cup. One cup is consumed at lunch and one cup at dinner, preferably for several months.

Here are other ways to eat hawthorn:

The fruits : either fresh for complete consumption, or dried for herbal teas as above, or even in jam.Leaves : in infusion using the same method as the flowers.

The flowers, leaves, and fruits are very similar in composition, so you can eat whatever is easiest to find. The difference is that fruits have a higher content of vitamin C.

Hawthorn tinctures can be obtained from specialty pharmacies or health food stores, 10 drops four times a day.

Hawthorn Side Effects

The side effects of hawthorn are minimal, and in fact no statistically significant side effects have been found when using it. In some case of overconsumptiona drop in blood pressure may occur, accompanied by dizziness and nausea.

Hawthorn contraindications

In addition to side effects, hawthorn contraindications are minimal. It is a very noble plant that can be used with other vasodilator and cardiac drugs, which shows how beneficial it is. However, its consumption is not recommended pregnant women or breastfeedingsince the components can be transmitted to the baby and be toxic for him.

However, if you are taking a cardiovascular, anxiolytic, anti-arrhythmic or other medication that acts similar to the properties of hawthorn, it is best to consult your doctor so that he prescribes it for you in an appropriate and risk-free manner.

If you want to read more articles like Hawthorn: benefits, use, contraindicationswe recommend that you consult the Natural Remedies category.


Peiró, PS, & Lainez, MCT (2017). Hawthorn Hawthorn Crataegus monogyna-oxyacanta. Naturopathic Medicine, 11(1), 20-24.Accame, MEC (2014). White hawthorn. Current Medicine Landscape, 38(370), 115-118.

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