The Healing Power of Crying: How Shedding Tears Can Relieve Stress and Improve Emotional Health

2024-03-29 21:30:00
Crying relieves stress, despite what you think, the act of crying helps emotional health.

Previously, it was common to hear the phrases “don’t cry”, “you shouldn’t cry”, to repress the crying.

However, today there are numerous scientific studies that show that crying benefits our health by improving the management of our emotions.

This is a normal reaction and can occur due to various generally negative situations such as receiving bad news, sadness or anger; However, very intense joy can also cause it.

Normally the brain receives one liter of blood per minute, that is, almost 20 percent of all the blood that the heart pumps to the body, however, with crying this percentage increases by up to 25% when crying, Therefore, no other emotion generates this blood flow or energy expenditure, since crying increases the respiratory rate to oxygenate the brain, which thus seeks to get tired.

Did you know that… If there were no crying in human beings, we would perhaps have to run four or five kilometers to calm down. We cannot cry for more than 15 minutes, because the brain needs to get tired.

Many people, mostly men, tend to suppress the urge to cry because it is socially seen as a sign of weakness or insecurity.

But holding back crying can affect our health. A person who does not cry when they need to contains rage or anger and is not able to release internal tension, which can cause:

  • Stress.
  • Anxiety.
  • Physical pains.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Headache.
  • Muscle tension.

Crying is a natural expression of our emotions, a healthy way to release built-up tension and allow us to process difficult experiences.

When we allow ourselves to cry, we are recognizing and accepting that we can be vulnerable and in this way we are taking control of our emotions instead of letting them control us. This process of self-knowledge strengthens the ability to face challenges.

Whoever sees another cry and does not change his attitude towards tears, possibly has a personality disorder. If, between the ages of seven and 14, crying is socially stigmatized as inappropriate, a person, by not crying, will have higher stress levels and, therefore, will be more aggressive.

Those who spend their time crying and laughing have a lower probability of eye infections, but also a higher expression of immunoglobulin -antibodies- in their tears and saliva.

If we didn’t cry, perhaps we would live less, we would be more prone to stress and we would be more likely to suffer from dementia. Crying humanizes us. If we cried more, we would be better human beings. It makes clear to us the importance of being in tune with our emotions.

Crying, a physiological function that liberates human emotions and feelings
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