The headwind is quite Amber Heard!Casey Griffin Sour Johnny Depp “Bloated Drunkard” | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Liu Wanxin / Comprehensive Report

After Hollywood superstar Johnny Depp (Johnny Depp) won the libel lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard (also translated as Amber Heard, Amber Heard), he cleared his grievances for 6 years, and his career that had fallen to the bottom also ushered in The turnaround, on the other hand, Amber’s image was seriously damaged, and the scene in “Aquaman 2” was also confirmed to be deleted. In this regard, the American comedian Kathy Griffin, who had previously publicly expressed his support for Amber ) did not waver, with Headwind criticizing Johnny as a “bloated alcoholic.”

▲Johnny Depp won the case. (Photo/

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According to foreign media reports, Kathy Griffin has publicly supported Amber Heard again recently, and criticized Johnny Depp, comparing him to former US President Trump, saying that Johnny’s voice and expression are fake , I don’t know why anyone would believe him, and Kathy even attacked Johnny’s appearance, saying that he is now a “bloated booze bag” at all.

▲ Kathy Griffin supports Amber Heard.  (Photo/Dazhi Image/Associated Press,

▲▼Johnny Depp (Johnny Depp) and ex-wife Amber Heard (Amber Heard) hug with their respective lawyers after their defense.  (Photo/

▲ Kathy Griffin supports Amber Heard. (Photo/Dazhi Image/Associated Press,

It is understood that Kathy Griffin has never been afraid of being involved in controversy. In the past, she was scolded by netizens because of a photo of Trump’s bloody head on the Internet. Trump also tweeted at that time. She called her “disgusting”. After this incident, she lost at least 4 performances. CNN also terminated the 10-year cooperation relationship. She held a press conference for this, and tearfully accused herself of being bullied by netizens. business was destroyed.

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▲ Kathy Griffin was scolded for a bloody head photo.  (Photo/Retrieved from Twitter JackPosobiec)

▲ Kathy Griffin was scolded for a bloody head photo. (Photo/Retrieved from Twitter JackPosobiec)

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