The Haunting Nightmare We All Fear

“The transfer of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia would represent a dramatic escalation in Tehran’s support” for Moscow in the war in Ukraine. White House National Security Council spokesman Sean Savett said this, while Iran denies it, calling the provision of military aid to both sides in the conflict “inhumane.” “We have warned of the deepening of the security partnership between Russia and Iran since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and are alarmed by this news,” Savett said in a statement to CNN, a few hours after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denounced Russia’s use of ballistic missiles from Tehran in Cernobbio. “We and our partners have made clear to both the G7 and NATO leaders that together we are prepared to produce significant consequences.” The same Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, speaking on behalf of the rotating presidency of the G7, yesterday in a post on X had warned: «The supply of Iranian weapons to Russia represents a danger to international security. We ask Tehran to avoid an escalation. As the presidency of the G7 and with the EU we are ready to contribute to the adoption of further deterrent measures to guarantee the freedom of Ukraine».

Erdogan surprises the West and gets closer to Russia: the request

According to the American broadcaster, citing two sources close to intelligence, Tehran recently transferred ballistic missiles to Russia for use in the war in Ukraine. It is not clear when the delivery took place, but it is a fact that in recent weeks Moscow has intensified its missile attacks on Ukrainian cities and energy infrastructure in preparation for the winter. However, Iran denies this and its UN representative delivered this statement to CNN: “Our position on the conflict in Ukraine remains unchanged. Iran considers the provision of military assistance to the parties to the conflict to be inhumane, leading to increased casualties, destruction of infrastructure and delaying ceasefire negotiations. Therefore, not only does Iran refrain from taking such actions, but it also calls on other countries to stop supplying weapons to the parties to the conflict.”

#scenario #scares #Tempo
2024-09-08 11:45:32

⁤What are the potential global consequences of Iran transferring ballistic missiles to ⁤Russia for the Ukraine conflict?

Iran’s Ballistic Missile Transfer ​to Russia Sparks Concerns

The ‍recent news of Iran sending hundreds of ballistic missiles to Russia has sent‌ shockwaves across‌ the globe, with many condemning⁤ the move as a dramatic escalation‌ of Tehran’s support for Moscow in the war in Ukraine. The transfer of these powerful ⁢surface-to-surface ballistic ⁣missiles has ⁤sparked concerns about ​the⁤ deepening of the security partnership between Russia and Iran, with White House National Security ​Council spokesman Sean Savett warning of “significant consequences” [[1]].

According to reports, Iran has ​provided Russia with a large number of Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar short-range ballistic missiles, which‌ have ranges of 300km and 700km respectively, and are classified ‌as‍ strategic [[2]]. These ballistic missiles have the capability to wreak havoc‌ on Ukrainian cities and energy infrastructure, ​and their transfer has been seen as a⁢ threat to international security.

The⁢ news has been ‍met with swift condemnation from the international community, with Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani warning that the supply‌ of Iranian ⁢weapons to Russia represents a ‍danger to international security and calling on Tehran⁤ to ‍avoid ‌an escalation [[3]]. The United States has also⁣ made it clear that ⁢it⁤ is prepared to take action to guarantee the freedom of Ukraine, ‌along with its partners in the G7​ and NATO.

Iran, however, has denied the​ claims, stating that‍ it has not engaged ‍in⁣ such actions and that it remains ⁤committed to a peaceful resolution ‍to the conflict in Ukraine. Tehran has also accused the ⁣West of ‌providing military aid to both sides in the conflict, which it sees as “inhumane” [[1]].

Despite⁢ Iran’s denials, the facts on the ground suggest that Moscow has indeed received a significant shipment of ballistic missiles from Tehran. In recent weeks, Russia has intensified its‌ missile attacks on Ukrainian cities and‌ energy infrastructure, a move that has ​been seen‌ as a preparation for the winter months [[3]].

The implications of this transfer are far-reaching, and have sparked concerns about the increasing cooperation between Russia and Iran. The two countries have ⁢been‌ strengthening their ties in recent months,⁤ with Iran providing military support​ to Russia in the war ​in Ukraine. This latest development has alarmed Western powers, who fear that it could lead to⁣ a further escalation of the conflict.

As ⁣the​ international community ⁢grapples with the implications of‍ this⁤ transfer, one thing is clear: the ‍stakes have never been higher in the war in ​Ukraine. With the transfer of these powerful ballistic missiles, the conflict has taken ⁣a⁢ dangerous turn, and it remains to be seen how the‌ world will respond to this latest‌ development.





How does the reported transfer of ballistic missiles from Iran to Russia impact the ongoing conflict in Ukraine?

Dramatic Escalation: Iran Transfers Ballistic Missiles to Russia Amid Ukraine War

In a move that has raised grave concerns globally, Iran has reportedly transferred ballistic missiles to Russia, which could be used in the ongoing war against Ukraine. This development has sparked a robust response from the international community, with the United States and its allies condemning the transfer of weapons as a “dramatic escalation” in Tehran’s support for Moscow.

White House Warns of Consequences

According to a statement by White House National Security Council spokesman Sean Savett, the transfer of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia would represent a significant escalation in Tehran’s support for Moscow in the war in Ukraine [[1]]. The White House has warned of the deepening security partnership between Russia and Iran, expressing alarm at this recent development. Savett emphasized that the US and its partners are prepared to produce significant consequences in response to this move.

International Community Reacts

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, speaking on behalf of the rotating presidency of the G7, has warned that the supply of Iranian weapons to Russia represents a danger to international security [[1]]. The G7 and EU are ready to contribute to the adoption of further deterrent measures to guarantee the freedom of Ukraine. In a similar vein, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has denounced Russia’s use of ballistic missiles from Tehran.

Iran Denies Involvement

In response to these allegations, Iran has denied transferring ballistic missiles to Russia, calling the provision of military aid to both sides in the conflict “inhumane” [[2]]. The Iranian UN representative stated that Tehran refrains from taking such actions and also calls on other countries to stop supplying weapons to the parties to the conflict.

Reports of Missile Transfer

According to multiple sources, including Reuters [[3]]and CNN [[2]], Iran has transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia, which could be used in the war against Ukraine. The timing of the transfer is unclear, but it is evident that Moscow has intensified its missile attacks on Ukrainian cities and energy infrastructure in recent weeks.

Implications and Consequences

The transfer of ballistic missiles from Iran to Russia has far-reaching implications for the global security landscape. This development could lead to a significant escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, resulting in increased casualties, destruction of infrastructure, and delayed ceasefire negotiations. The international community must come together to address this growing concern and prevent further destabilization of the region.







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