The Harvard Plate: A Complete Guide to the Dietary Model from Nutrition Experts at Harvard University

2024-03-12 07:00:00


A dietary model developed by nutrition experts at Harvard University

White Sword

  • White Sword
  • Content editor at OkDiario. She has been writing for blogs and digital content companies since 2007.

Among the many diets that exist, the most recommended and the one that in fact has become the favorite of experts on many occasions is none other than Mediterranean diet. However, in recent years a new diet seems to have been developed that is being talked about a lot and that seems to contain all the nutrients for a healthy, balanced diet and that also allows us to lose weight and even maintain weight. This is the so-called “Harvard plate.”

The Harvard plate or healthy eating plate is a dietary model developed by nutrition experts at Harvard University, which provides specific instructions on the amount and type of food to put on the plate. But what is it exactly? We offer you all the keys below.

What is the Harvard plate?

The concept of the Harvard Plate represents an innovative strategy in the field of nutrition, based on studies and recommendations from experts from the prestigious American university. This teaching tool It is presented as a conventional dish, cleverly divided into four specific sectionswith the aim of promoting a balanced and healthy diet.

The structure of the plate is distributed as follows: the half of the space is intended primarily for a generous portion of vegetables, carefully selected to incorporate a wide range of colors and nutrients, complemented by a lower proportion of fresh and varied fruits. This approach not only enriches the diet with essential vitamins and minerals, but also encourages fiber intake.

The other half of the plate is divided into two quarters, one dedicated to cereals whole grains such as brown rice, whole grain pasta, barley, oats, quinoa and wheat grains, thus promoting the consumption of whole grains over refined grains for their benefits on cardiovascular and digestive health. The remaining quarter is reserved for high-quality protein sources, including fish, poultry, legumes and nuts, emphasizing the importance of varying protein sources and opting for healthy alternatives to red meat.

This dietary model emphasizes the importance of healthy fats, especially recommending the use of extra virgin olive oil for its recognized benefits for heart health and the prevention of chronic diseases. At the same time, urges to limit consumption of red meat and high-fat dairy productsas well as to completely avoid bacon, salami and other processed meats, in line with current health guidelines.

Additionally, The Harvard Plate suggests prioritizing the consumption of water, tea or infusions as sources of hydration, relegating sugary drinks and fruit juices to the background, which, although natural, can contribute to excess sugar in the diet. The nutritional value of milk and other dairy products is recognized, recommending their consumption in moderation, approximately between one and two servings daily, to take advantage of their calcium and protein contributions without exceeding calories or saturated fats.

In short, the Harvard Plate not only offers a clear and accessible dietary guide, but also promotes a philosophy of conscious and varied consumption, underscoring the importance of quality over quantity and the preference for whole and natural foods. This comprehensive approach seeks not only to improve individual nutrition, but also to encourage healthy habits that can be sustained long-term for a healthier, fuller life.

What are the benefits of the Harvard Plate?

Let’s learn to think about integrity and not about the exclusion of food. The Harvard plate is a clear, simple and exhaustive representation of how our diet should include the three classes of nutrients (both simple and complex carbohydrates, proteins, preferably vegetables, and seasonal vegetables with a correct portion of lipids).

It can be applied at every meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with the aim of distrusting the false myths of dissociated diets as an ideal model of healthy and correct eating.

What should a complete plate contain?

The plate consists of: at least ½ of vegetables (all to taste and chosen from the ones you like the most); ¼ carbohydrates (preferably whole grains, reminding us that tubers such as potatoes and tupinambo are always alternatives to pasta and bread); finally ¼ protein (better vegetables like legumes).

Let’s not demonize the sources of good fats, first of all the extra virgin olive oiland let’s move on to olives, nuts and avocados in personalized quantities.

Below is an example of a daily menu:

  • Breakfast : a small glass of cow’s yogurt or soy products for those intolerant, oat flakes or whole wheat bread and 3-4 nuts.
  • Lunch : whole wheat spaghetti with lentil and vegetable ragout, almond flakes.
  • Cena : pumpkin cream with pieces of feta cheese and rosemary and crusty bread bruschetta.

Is the Harvard plate good for everyone?

Being a representative model of nutrition completely without deprivation, It is absolutely indicated for all subjectsboth adults, older people and even children for preventive and educational purposes.

Nothing prevents each individual plate be functionally reevaluated for pathologies specific after consultation with a professional.

#guide #healthy #diet

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