“The Harsh Reality of Argentina: Alejandro Lerner’s Reflections on Inequality, Insecurity, and Corruption”

2023-04-18 20:43:00

This weekend, through his official Facebook account, Alejandro Lerner made a harsh statement regarding the reality of Argentina. Just arrived from a trip that took him to Israel and Spain, the singer compared their experiences in these countries and reflected on what is happening in our land.

“For a while something in me has been making noise, especially following the trip to Spain and Israel. Traveling through a country that lives at war waiting for the missiles has a cost and that is felt”, the author of “Start over” began by writing. “The enemy is real, it is a small country with a huge soul and they live with a state of alertness and survival that forces them to keep their priorities in order and on the lookout.”

“Spain is what Argentina might be, a beautiful country with a close language, which is always a relief,” continues Lerner. The food, the streets, the architecture, everything is familiar, but the big difference that I have felt is that you can live in a climate of calm, normality and coexistence. There is no smell of fear in the streets, ”she argued. “A comment that caught my attention: ‘here you can be robbed but they won’t kill you or physically assault you to rob you.’ And that is a feeling that is breathed and shared”.

The artist recounted that he traveled by bullet train, something that many politicians have promised to build in Argentina, and that he saw how people work and thanks to work they obtain progress. “Progress, a word already extinct in the speeches of those who have and waste power and responsibility and of those who want to get there and have a hungry fang to continue taking another bite of the cake that belongs to all of us”, says the musician angrily.

“The difference between a country of the so-called third world and those of the first is awareness. Awareness that working is reached and grows. That doing things right is much better than doing them wrong. That lying, stealing and hurting is paid. That justice is not just people, it is the laws and among all of us we have agreed to comply with and defend them. Awareness of respect for the other ”, he continued.

After wondering how Argentina got to this state and when it was that society got used to being robbed and lied to, he turned once morest the officials. “What is serious is knowing that our beloved country is not poor, it is an impoverished country. And our poverty is moral, it is not economic. Our wealth is incalculable, like our ignorance. When did we accept that choosing the least worst is what we deserve?”, Lerner wonders.

Alejandro Lerner wrote an open letter regarding the Argentine realityInstagram: @alelernerok

“I am an atheist of politics because I fervently believe in God and I don’t see any politician talking regarding God, not even showing any kind of shame for their actions in the eyes of something greater than ourselves,” he reflects. “The worst thing that happens to us is that they convince us that we don’t deserve more than this. And it is sad to realize that this reality to which we have submitted ourselves to live might be much better than the one we have meekly accepted to abide by.

Before directly attacking the political class, he also invited those who do nothing to change things to reflect. “The levels of insecurity, crime, disorder, neglect, are more than alarming, they are pathological. Inflation is not like the fever that one day you took cold and got sick. Inflation is a decision. And every day and always there are people who make the decision that we live in this uncertainty. That’s not normal and it’s not okay. It’s bad, very bad”.

For the endearing musician who carries a fruitful forty-year career on his shoulders, the reasons are simple: “Selfishness, ambition, fear, lack of love and sensitivity and the disease that power generates. How can someone understand poverty if he has cars, drivers, insulting salaries and a level of comfort and protection that only public opinion and then the Justice might undress? ”, he wonders.

I want my country to change. I want my country to grow. I want not to think regarding insecurity, deaths and fear as something normal. No my dears, it is not normal… It is not normal for bus drivers to die, for elderly or pregnant women to be attacked, it is not normal. And we are normalizing it”, he already expresses at the end of the letter.

After assuring that he will stay in the country for his children, Lerner promised to continue contributing his part so that we can all improve. “Let’s not continue wasting our democracy with the excuse that we can’t make things change. There is too much pain and frustration accumulated and it is not fair. Our grandparents, having come from the deepest horror, built a wonderful country. Don’t let them take away what we have left of dreams for us, for ours and for everyone in general. The worst that can happen to us is that they convince us that it is no longer in our hands. Decent men, with capacity and with sacrifice, that’s what I want. The greatness became vanity and pride and that is just another symbol of degradation. Tomorrow is an opportunity and I don’t want to let it pass”.


Conocé The Trust Project

#harsh #letter #Alejandro #Lerner #reality #Argentina #wealth #incalculable #ignorance



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