2023-05-13 17:30:00
I wrote – Nermin Daifallah
Tea is a popular habit for many, but some are ignorant of the harmful effects of drinking it on the body.
Dr. Hossam Mowafi, Professor of Critical Care Medicine at Kasr Al-Ainy, reveals during his presentation of his program “My Lord, Increase Me in Knowledge” broadcast on “Sada Al-Balad” channel, the harms of drinking too much tea on the body.
Dr. Hossam Mowafi said that extravagance in anything is very dangerous, for example if you eat the same thing every day that harms you, such as eating sugars and fat meat on a daily basis. Excess in general leads to many risks, not just tea.
Mowafi added that excessive drinking of tea on a daily basis is very harmful and causes severe health damage.
And he continued, tea prevents the body from absorbing iron, especially following consuming it directly, and it causes anemia in humans.
A professor of critical care medicine advised drinking tea 20 to 30 minutes before eating, then eating immediately, so as not to develop anemia as a result of preventing the formation of red blood cells, due to the tea’s absorption of iron from the body.
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#frequent #drinking #tea #harmful #Hossam #Mowafi #answers