The Happy Diet: How Food Influences Your Mental Well-being and Happiness

2023-10-23 10:00:00

The happiness is a state of mind that we all seek, but that sometimes resists us. Did you know that what you eat can influence your level of satisfaction and well-being? Diet not only affects our physical health, but also our mental health. Some foods contain chemicals that help our brains produce hormones and neurotransmitters related to happinesssuch as serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin and melatonin.

In addition to nutrients, Food also has an emotional and social component. Eating is a way to express our love, our culture and our identity. Sharing food with other people makes us feel more connected and supported. Enjoying the flavors, aromas and textures makes us feel more alive and grateful. Therefore, eating well not only makes us happier, but also makes us more human.

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Uma Naidoo, an expert in nutritional psychiatry at Harvard University and author of ‘What food does to your brain’has studied how Nutrition can help us contribute to our mental well-being. “What we eat can have the same impact on our mental health as the drugs our doctor prescribes,” she says.

Some of us already know the 5 simple habits that activate the hormones of happiness or the daily method that makes us happier and increases self-esteem, according to National Geographic. Today, we discover the 5 foods that can help us be happierrich, versatile and available to everyone.

How does diet influence mental health?

The doctor Uma Naidooin his book, reviews the influence of food on different psychological and cognitive conditions, and shows how a Healthy diet can help treat and prevent a wide range of problems, always seeking a balance between what nourishes us and what we like. Thus, it details how diet is a factor that influences mental health in several ways. Some of them are:

Affects the production of happiness hormones. To produce these neurotransmitters, the brain needs certain essential nutrients that are obtained from food.Influences inflammation and oxidative stress. They can affect the brain and alter its functioning, favoring the development of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety or cognitive impairment. While some foods can increase inflammation and oxidative stress, others help reduce these symptoms thanks to their antioxidant content.Impact on the intestinal microbiota. It has an important function in digestion, immunity and the production of some vitamins and neurotransmitters. Additionally, the gut microbiota communicates with the brain through the gut-brain axis, a bidirectional pathway that modulates mental and emotional health. Certain foods can improve the composition and diversity of the intestinal microbiota and its interaction with the brain.It has an emotional and social component, being able to influence our relationship with food and with ourselves. Problems with food, such as eating too much or too little, obsession with weight or body image, feeling guilt or shame because of what we eat, are problems that can affect our self-esteem, our confidence and our mental health. CANVA

How to activate the 5 hormones of happiness?

The happiness hormones are serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins and melatonin. These hormones are responsible for regulate our mood, pleasure, love, sleep and well-being. To activate them, you can follow the following habits for each one:

Endorphins. They are hormones that are released in situations of pain or stress, and that help reduce pain and generate a feeling of euphoria. He physical exercise and eating spicy foods They stimulate the production of endorphins.Serotonin: It is the neurotransmitter of the calm and happiness. It is produced from tryptophan, an amino acid found in some foods. The exposure to sol It also promotes the synthesis of serotonin.Dopamine. It is the neurotransmitter of pleasure and reward. It is released when we achieve something that we like or motivates us, or through some foods containing dopamine or that help their production.Oxytocin. It is the hormone of love and trust. It is released when we have physical or emotional contact with other people, such as hugs, kisses, caresses or looks. It is also released when we do group activities, such as dancing, singing or laughing.Melatonin. It is the hormone sleep and rest. To promote its production, it is important to sleep enough hours and avoid artificial light before going to bed. Additionally, there are several foods with melatonin that you can add to dinner to get a good night’s sleep.

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5 foods that Uma Naidoo recommends to activate the hormones of happiness

There are many foods that can help you be happier. It is not about eating them all at once or exceeding the quantities, but about include them in a varied and balanced diet. Psychiatrist Uma Naidoo advises varied dishes, where the color green predominates, to maintain a adequate and rich food for our brain.

These are some of the best foods to help the brain produce chemicals related to happiness:

Chocolate. Chocolate is one of the most pleasurable foods that exist, and not just because of its flavor. Chocolate contains phenylethylaminea substance that stimulates the release of dopamine, and also tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin. In addition, chocolate also has flavonoids, antioxidants that protect brain cells from oxidative stress and improve blood flow to the brain. However, it is important to choose dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoasince it is the one with the most benefits and the least sugar.Nuts. Nuts are a source of healthy fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals that provide energy and nutrition to the brain. Among them, the walnuts, which have a high omega-3 content. Other nuts that will make you happy are almonds, which contain magnesium, a mineral that regulates mood; and the pistachioswhich have phytosterols, compounds that reduce cortisol, the stress hormone.Bananas. Bananas have tryptophan, the amino acid that the brain uses to make serotonin; potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure; and vitamin B6, which is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrinewhich regulate mood and motivation.Yoghurt. Yogurt is a fermented food that contains probiotics, beneficial bacteria that live in our intestine and influence our physical and mental health. Some studies, like this one meta-analysis published in ‘Frontiers in Neurology’, have shown that the Probiotics can improve mood, reduce anxiety, and relieve symptoms of depression.Spinach. Spinach is a green leafy vegetable full of minerals. They contain folic acid, a B vitamin that participates in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. Folic acid also prevents anemia, a condition that causes tiredness and apathy. In addition, spinach also has hierro, a mineral that transports oxygen to brain cells and improves cognitive performance. CANVA

Other foods that help increase happiness

In addition to the 5 mentioned, the National Geographic magazine points out other foods from the same groups that help improve well-being and mental health. These are:

Foods rich in vitamin A, C, B12, B9, B1 and B6: legumes, whole grains, carrots and avocado.Foods rich in Omega-3: salmon, edamame, chia seeds or eggs, a food you can have for dinner to activate the hormone that reduces hunger and speed up your metabolism.Probiotics and prebiotics: kefir, oats, garlic, asparagus or dandelion.Minerals: pumpkin seeds, seafood or lentils.Spices and aromatic plants: saffron, oregano, turmeric, chamomile or passionflower. CANVA

Uma Naidoo, remembers in her book that diet is not the only factor that determines our mental health, but there are other aspects such as physical exercise, adequate rest, social relationships and activities that we like that also contribute to our well-being.

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