The “Guardians of Water” who are helping their community have access to drinking water, March 2023

In this note we tell you more regarding the «Guardians of the Water», who are they community leaders who are contributing positively so that in their community people can have access to this vital liquid.

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The “Guardians of Water” who are helping their community have access to drinking water, March 2023

This work model has been promoted by the organization Water for Peopleand has helped residents of Santa del Cruz del Quichélocated in the villages Quechua y Pak’ak’ja.

Description of the photo for the visually impaired: Hand of a young man under a stream of water. (Credits: Canva).

The project operates under the model Full Coverage, Foreverwhich means that it works in the communities until each family, health center and public school have high levels of water and sanitation service insurance.

However, for this to be a reality, it requires the work and involvement of the community membersspecifically, of those born leaders who have actively participated to extend the projects of access to water and sanitation in their communities.

Water Committees made up of “Guardians of Water”

In these communities there are Water Committeeswhose function is to collect the fees paid by each neighbor for the water service and manage those resources, either to give water system maintenanceor, for projects that benefit the entire communitysuch as the construction of halls or courts.

Description of the photo for the visually impaired: From left to right: a man with a blue shirt and a gray cap appears, a man with a checked shirt and an indigenous woman, with a suit in green and blue tones. (Credits: Courtesy).

It is Water Committee It is also in charge of regulating that the water is being invested well in each of the houses. This organization is elected democratically so that the members of the community themselves are in charge of guarantee the vital liquid in the present and in the future.

Each Water Committee is made up of nine «Guardians of the Water», who perform different functions, since there is a president, vice-president, secretary, deputy secretary, treasurer, pro-treasurer and the rest are members.

Testimonials of “Guardians of Water”

Teresa Pérez, a mother of a family originally from Quechua He commented on his excitement for being part of this Water Committee, since he remembers how difficult and dangerous it was to find drinking water.

Description of the photo for the visually impaired: The image shows four members of Water for People together with Teresa Pérez and Gregorio Álvarez, community leaders. (Credits:

«I feel very happy that they give us this opportunity as women to be leaders in the committee. My job as vice president is to collect the water and collect the money. I feel very happy to be part of this project, since I know that my daughters are not going to go through the same suffering that I went through (to get drinking water) and they are my motivation to continue fighting“, Perez explained.

On the other hand, there is also the testimony of Gregorio Álvarez, originally from Pak’ak’ja, who has led several processes for the development of his community. On this, Álvarez explained «Now I feel happy in my community, all my neighbors have quality water and a dignified sanitarybuilt with their own money and with materials that were within their reach, we all understood that having a toilet is a necessity and the material with which it is made does not matter, the important thing is to always keep it clean».

It is expected to replicate this project in different municipalities of the department of Quiché so that more and more families and communities can enjoy drinking water and guarantee this important resource for their future.

Description of the photo for the visually impaired: The image shows the hands of a girl under a stream of water. (Credits: Courtesy).

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