“The Guardian”: V. Orban’s associates in Washington will seek for the US to end support for Ukraine

The situation on the battlefield in Ukraine does not affect Washington’s support for Kyiv. Disputes between American politicians over the approval of funding for support to Ukraine are of a different nature.

Democratic congressman from Pennsylvania Brendan Boyle stated this in a comment to “Voice of America”. According to him, the controversy over the new aid package for Kyiv stems from the situation in the Republican Party.

“I think those of us who are absolutely committed to this (aid to Ukraine – ed.) will be betrayed, no matter what happens on the battlefields, whether or not the objectives of the counterattack have been met. When it comes to support, “Republicans are not connected to what’s happening on the battlefield. What is important is what happens inside the party,” he said.

In his opinion, there are three currents in the Republican Party. More than half of its members represent the first direction. These are those who adhere to the party’s traditional principles of active foreign policy and are not afraid to express their position.

“Mitch McConnell is a great example of this traditional Republican foreign policy from Eisenhower to Reagan and both Bushes – America’s national defense with muscle, pride in NATO, resistance to first Soviet and now Russian aggression,” the congressman said.

The second group he called the isolationists, among them, for example, Marjorie Taylor Greene. They actively oppose support for Ukraine. And although they are an absolute minority, their influence is growing.

To the last group, B. Boyle assigned Republicans who follow the same principles as the first group, but fear that support for Ukraine could lead to their defeat in the next internal party elections. The congressman included the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, among them.

“One House Republican in particular told me about a pretty painful meeting with constituents — and he lives in a heavily Republican district — where he was repeatedly criticized for his support for Ukraine,” Boyle said.

The congressman emphasized that further support for Ukraine depends on the representatives of this group. The attitude of Republican voters towards Ukraine is greatly influenced by the anti-Ukrainian statements of former President Donald Trump, as well as by the famous TV host Tucker Carlson, who has been repeatedly accused of playing along with the Kremlin when covering the war in Ukraine.

“The biggest challenge today is that former President Donald Trump and some right-wing media in the United States are pressuring Republicans in Congress to vote against funding for Ukraine. That’s where the biggest delay comes from,” concluded Brendan Boyle.

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2024-08-14 00:48:29



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