The great novelty of Apple is very close

2023-05-16 17:04:36

It has been rumored for months that the Cupertino company would be preparing a new operating system. However, it was not a few hours ago, that This software has been registered under its own name. do you want to know what is it about? What product will this new line of systems be aimed at? In this post we tell you the details.

Apple’s new reality already has a system

This “new reality” is none other than what the company’s mixed reality viewer would bring. But, faced with a new product, which we are expected to see for the first time at the next WWDC, it is logical to think that we will see a new operating system so that it can be controlled in some way.

Although at the moment it has not been a movement that Apple has made, directly, everything indicates that the company has used strategy when registering the name of this new platform. To avoid leaks, “use Several shield companies to register blemishes and patents for products that have not yet been released. So they are not tied to Apple in case of leaks, “they explain from 9to5Mac.

What is the name of the new operating system? xrOS. How do you know that it has been registered? Because it has been found in New Zealand’s intellectual property records. And why can this be an Apple thing? As explained in 9to5Mac, because “the registry uses the San Francisco font, created by Apple.”

As you can see in the picture, the company that owns this record is Deep Dive LLC. Apparently, it has nothing to do with the Californian company. But if we take into account the style of the typography, Apple’s “modus operandi” when registering trademarks, that this has occurred several days before WWDC and that, already in December 2022, the medium Bloomberg He already said that the name of the new operating system was going to be xrOS, all together it makes you think that the shots are going that way.

When is the WWDC of this 2023

On June 5 at 7:00 p.m. (Spanish time) It is the main keynote of the event, which can be followed both through the official Apple website. And you will also be able to follow it from our YouTube channel and website.

wwdc 2023

In this event it is expected to know the new versions of the different operating systems, as well as the future virtual (or mixed) reality viewer that has been talked about for so long. A new product for which, everything indicates, that the trademark has already been registered. Now it is only a matter of days to see how all this will turn out. Are we going to see the new viewer and will it only be available for developers? Is it going to be a final product that we can enjoy this year? There are still unknowns and questions to be resolved. But next June 5 we will clear up doubts, and we hope to see for the first time, this new universe to which Apple is willing to open up.

#great #novelty #Apple #close

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