The government’s plan to transform the health sector

2023-08-24 06:30:12

Through 7 areas of work identified as priorities, and an overall investment of more than 7.5 billion euros, the government wants, through the Innovation Health 2030 plan, to modernize our health system and bring it into a new era. .

The health component of the France 2030 plan, endowed with 7.5 billion euros, out of the 54 billion budgeted in total, aims to put France at the first among European countries on the theme of health and innovation.

The seven axes of the health plan aim first of all to draw the lessons from the health crisis, namely regaining sovereignty over the production of certain drugs, for example. Also, through this plan, the government wants to encourage the emergence of start-ups capable of develop disruptive technologiesto be in a position of strength in emerging areas of the health sector.

The first axis of the health plan aims to strengthen biomedical research capacities. Endowed with a billion euros, it should make it possible to keep our best researchers on the territory, and to develop training to support the current changes in the sector. Also the support for the creation of clusters and centers of excellence on a global scale contributes to the stated desire to promote technological innovation in the field of health as much as possible.

The second axe sees the implementation of investments in three areas identified as carriers : biotherapy and bioproduction of innovative therapies, digital health, emerging infectious diseases and CBRN threats. With nearly 2.4 billion euros of investment, the government wants to give the French sector the means to be competitive on these innovative and still emerging technologies for some of them. It should be noted that nearly 650 million euros are devoted to developing effective strategies for managing possible pandemics.

7 areas of work, with two key words: sovereignty and innovation

Then the third axis of the plan reflects the desire to make France the European leader in clinical trialsmainly by simplifying and speeding up the system for authorizing them.

The fourth axis aims to allow equal access to care for patients and offer innovations an accelerated and simplified market access framework. This notably involves reducing time to access the markets, but also, more concretely, through simplified access to innovative acts, and generalization of remote monitoring.

The fifth axis incorporates the elements noted during the COVID crisis, particularly in terms of sector sovereignty : hence the need to offer a predictable and coherent economic framework with the objective of health and industrial sovereignty. To achieve this, the government wants, in particular, to take greater account of the industrial footprint in setting the price of drugs and investments in our territory with theincrease in CSIS credits medical devices and the extension to medical devices.

L’penultimate axis of the plan aims to support theindustrialization of health products in France and support the growth of companies in the sector. Endowed with 2.1 billion euros, over 5 years, it will enable Bpifrance to support the emergence of tricolor nuggets around innovative health technologies.

Finallythe creation of a structure to drive and strategically manage health innovation, the health innovation agency, will validate a coherent strategy for the entire health sector in France, with the ambition to clarify and simplify existing processes.

To conclude, the health component of the France 2030 plan aims, as for other French industrial sectors, to modernize at the same time as an increase in competitiveness and attractiveness.

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