The government sets a target of 150,000 more employees by 2030

The government sets a target of 150,000 more employees by 2030

On Friday, the government will present the outlook report, which is about the economic outlook from a long-term perspective. This is presented every four years.

NRK has been given access to the chapter on labour, where the government writes that the potential is greatest by “reducing the number who fall out of working life”, including the disabled. At the same time, they set a target of employing 150,000 more by 2030.

In order to reach the target, the Ministry of Finance gives several direction choices in the report: that the disabled must work 30 per cent on average, that non-Western immigrants must work up to 85 per cent of what others have, and that sick leave of more than three months must be reduced by 20 per cent .

– We have to see that many disabled people have the capacity to work a bit more. We also need to get more immigrants into working life, says Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) to NRK.

Labor Minister Tonje Brenna (Ap) says that there will soon be a report to the Storting on labor market policy in which several concrete measures and political measures will be proposed to achieve the goal.

– Different policy areas must play together, and health, schools and Nav are particularly central, she says.

#government #sets #target #employees
2024-08-11 08:33:44

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