The Government seeks to reactivate dialogue with the governors while the DNU in the Senate is in danger

2024-03-14 02:42:00

The decree that the Government launched in December of last year to advance the economic reform plan was included, with the unexpected endorsement of Victoria Villarruelin the agenda that will be discussed this Thursday in the Senatewhich opened a new front for the ruling party and The internal conflict between Javier Milei and his formula mate deepened. In parallel, the Government continues to focus on the negotiations related to May Pact and that is why this week he reactivated communication with the governors, who will immediately have the draft of the new Bases Law and the proposed fiscal pact, in addition to the initiative to modify the formula for updating retirements.

These documents, which are the focus of the negotiations for the May Pact, circulated among senior government officialswho adjust the final details before turning them over to the provincial leaders.

The delivery of these drafts seeks maintain the climate of dialogue that began on Friday at Casa Rosadaat a time of strong pressure in the Senate, with the possibility of another political setback resulting from the rejection of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/2023 in this Thursday’s session.

Victoria Villarruel and Javier Milei. Photo: NA

In this context of tensions due to the opening of an unexpected front for the Government, Oscar Zagohead of the parliamentary bloc of La Libertad Avanza (LLA), expressed his astonishment at the imminent treatment of the DNU in the Senate. “The intention was to suspend tomorrow’s session”declared the deputy this Wednesday.

“I don’t know what happened for the session to be called. “I don’t know what the reasons were or anything like that, or whether or not it was arranged with the Executive Branch,” said the deputy in dialogue with TN.

In addition, the death of the wife of the provisional president of the Upper Housethe libertarian Bartolome Abdalafueled versions that the Senate session called for this Thursday could be cancelled, which was finally ruled out after the parliamentary work meeting.

The unrest in the libertarian ranks became visible after it became known that the head of the Senate, Victoria Villarruel, agreed to debate DNU 70/23 within the framework of a special session called for this Thursday.

The agenda of the session in the Senate

In the venue, bills on international agreements and on money laundering, the authorization of the President of the Nation to be absent from the country during 2024, and the decree that Javier Milei signed days after his inauguration to deregulate the economy will be discussed.

The governors, who after Friday’s meeting with the Casa Rosada were waiting for news, have expressed their interest in knowing the details of the Law Bases bis and the Government’s fiscal package, which includes, among other points, the replacement of the fourth category of Income Tax.

Last Friday’s meeting called by the La Libertad Avanza government was attended by the 23 provinces and the City of Buenos Aires, as an instance of pre-agreements prior to the call of the May Pact.

During this meeting, there was a new dialogue between the leaders and the chief of staff, Nicolás Posseafter the tensions generated by the removal of co-participating funds and discretionary transfers.

Meeting with the governors at the Casa Rosada.

On the other hand, DNU 70/2023 will be discussed in the Senate after the vice president and head of the upper house, Victoria Villarruel will include it in the special session this Thursday.

The radical senators live in a divisive climate because some legislators aligned with the governors present refusal to meet when there are negotiations with the Casa Rosada.

While the followers of Martín Lousteau are willing to reject Milei’s DNU.

Villarruel’s decision generated concern in the Government House over the possibility that the DNU would be rejected.

Milei said that his image grew, but a national survey shows that Villarruel surpasses him by one point

Despite the vice president’s “efforts” to postpone the discussion of the decree, which deregulates the economy and debureaucratize the State, the rejection on social networks and the pressure exerted by the federal blocks An adverse result could arise for La Libertad Avanza in the DNU vote.

The Casa Rosada responded through a statement criticizing the intention of the legislators to advance with an agenda outside the May Pact and the guidelines of the Bases law, arguing that such actions violate the spirit of the agreement promoted by the President.

In addition, other issues are anticipated to be discussed before the DNU, such as the agreement with Turkey and China to avoid double taxation and the authorization for Milei to be absent from the country during 2024, among others.

This complex political scenario reflects the tensions between the Executive and Parliament, as well as internal differences within the government, marking a critical moment in Javier Milei’s management and relations with the governors and the Senate.

Is Milei’s mega decree in danger?


The Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/2023 flows into the Senate of the Nation, after the vice president and head of the Upper House, Victoria Villarruel, included it in the special session called for this Thursday.

Villarruel was unable to reverse the decision he made on Tuesday after the pressure exerted today by the Casa Rosada to avoid the discussion of the mega-decree issued by President Javier MileiLast December.

On Tuesday, Villarruel surprised on the agenda of the special session with the inclusion of the ambitious DNU that deregulates the economy and debureaucratizes the State and which was designed by the presidential advisor and former head of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, Federico Sturzenegger.

This Wednesday afternoon, at the parliamentary work meeting that started at 6:00 p.m. and lasted until 7:30 p.m., the vice president tried to persuade the leaders of the opposition blocs to extend the discussion of the DNU in the senatorial chamber.

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Villarruel’s decision to include the Decree of Necessity and Urgency generated strong repudiation on social networks by the President’s militancy and even the president himself launched some -negative- darts in this regard.

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It is estimated that the ruling party will arrive this Thursday with difficulties regarding the DNU.

For several weeks, Villarruel avoided requests from the Unión por la Patria bloc, led by José Mayans, and from other federal blocs, including a radical one.

The request of the federal blocks, which was signed by nine senators, tilted the field in favor of Kirchnerism, which has 33 seats, and broke the majority that had managed to build the vice for the appointment of the authorities of the body.

That is, there are already -at least- 42 senators who would vote negatively against the super-DNU.

Beyond the negative result that it would achieve in the upper house, He must also go through Deputies for his death to take place..

Furthermore, La Libertad Avanza will not even have all of its votes, since, due to the death of his wife, the provisional president of the Senate, Bartolomé Abdala (La Rioja-LLA), will not be present.

The Libertarians only have seven seats, but they would be six due to Abdala’s absence.

Without a quorum, the opposition’s attempt to discuss the new retirement formula in Deputies failed

The statement from the Casa Rosada

A few minutes after the meeting began in Villarruel’s office, the official accounts of the presidential office published a harsh statement against legislators, both from the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, for trying to “impose” an agenda outside the May Pact and the new guidelines of the Bases law.

“Both the hasty treatment of DNU 70/23 and the initiative to promote a retirement formula without consensus violate the spirit of agreement promoted by the President in his call for the May Pact,” highlights the text.

Along these lines, he continues: “The National Government hopes that the Legislative Branch does not allow itself to be captivated by the siren song of those who intend to ‘score’ short-term victories to the detriment of the future of the 45 million Argentines.”

“The potential rejection of the DNU, which is currently close to a definition by the Supreme Court of Justice, would lead to a serious setback in the rights and needs of the Argentine people”he adds.

Office of the President of the Nation

On Monday, Villarruel joined the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, and rolled back the 30 percent increase in the senators’ allowances, in the midst of the controversy that escalated to the Executive Branch and ended with the Secretary of Labor , Omar Yasin, out of the Government.

In this way, Villarruel cleared up the doubt that lingered throughout the weekend about what he would do regarding the increase in legislators’ salaries.

From those around them they specified that it was due to an express request from Milei, who over the weekend led to Yasin’s dismissal.

As the agency learned Argentine News From sources close to Villarruel, the lawyer aspired to reach a consensus on the decision with the block owners.

One of the arguments put forward in their ranks is that it was granted within the framework of a joint agreement.

In that conflict, the Vice and the head of state once again made their differences evident.

The government is “satisfied” with the inflation data and compared the process with the Menemist Convertibility plan

The agenda that will be discussed before the DNU

In addition to Milei’s mega decree, other projects that were left in the air in 2023 will be put to the vote.

Among them are the agreement with Turkey and China to avoid double taxation on income and prevention of tax evasion and avoidance.

Also the authorization for Milei to be absent from the country during 2024 and the modification of the Penal Code with respect to the prevention and repression of money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The latter obtained an opinion in the Justice and Criminal Affairs and Budget and Finance committees of the Senate.

The Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, became personally involved to promote the initiative and spoke with senators who had doubts about the project.

The initiative, approved by Deputies in April 2023, was part of the last understanding that Argentina signed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and includes the suggestions of the International Financial Action Group (FATF).


#Government #seeks #reactivate #dialogue #governors #DNU #Senate #danger

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