The Government Is Requested To Prepare The 2025 Work Program Carefully – 2024-04-24 04:58:08


Deputy Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Amir Uskara asked the government to continue prioritizing the principle of caution in preparing work programs for next year. This must be done considering that the world economic situation is currently still quite challenging and full of uncertainty.

“We see that national and global economic conditions are currently uncertain. The government must be careful in determining programs and policies that will be the basis for improving our current economy, because current conditions are uncertain,” said AMir when met at the Ministry’s office. Finance, Jakarta, Wednesday (24/4).

This is also related to the government’s plan to form a State Revenue Authority Agency (BOPN) as outlined in the 2025 Government Work Plan (RKP) document.

In the document, BOPN is intended to increase tax revenues while encouraging the achievement of the target tax revenue ratio in the range of 10.0% to 12.0% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2025.

However, Amir said that so far there had been no further discussions from the government or DPR regarding the formation of the BOPN. However, said Amir, the proposal to establish an independent body for state revenues had been submitted a long time ago.

“We can’t comment further. I see it hasn’t been discussed in the government. We proposed it yesterday, but it goes back to the government first,” said Amir.

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Meanwhile, the government is reluctant to provide information regarding the BOPN in the 2025 RKP. Deputy for Economics at the Ministry of National Planning and Development/Bappenas Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti refused to provide information regarding this matter.

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“I’m not commenting yet on that matter,” he said.

A similar response was also conveyed by the Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency of the Ministry of Finance, Febrio Nathan Kacaribu. He asked the public to follow all ongoing budgeting processes.

“We’ll just follow the process,” he said. (Z-11)

#Government #Requested #Prepare #Work #Program #Carefully

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