The government has removed responsibilities and resources from self-government 2024-08-16 19:23:16

I did not expect that I would have an opponent and a government that does everything in its power to make the life of Athens and the other cities of the country even more difficult”, says the Mayor of Athens, Harry Doukasin an interview on the “Libre” website.

As he explains, “the government has removed responsibilities and resources from self-government. They legislated regulations that burden Athens, they refuse to face serious problems, which concern from the energy relief of the most vulnerable citizens, to the daycare centers. Everywhere, throughout Greece, the big obstacle for municipalities is Mr. Mitsotakis’ government, which is hostile to self-government.”

“Despite the obstacles they put in front of us”, adds H. Doukas, “never before has so much work been done as in just seven months. We implement what we committed to, we launch solutions to the major problems of the capital. We assigned the project to Botanikos, despite the fact that we received a garbage dump at the site where the stadium would be built, the tree plantings exceeded 2000, the lighting of the squares and groves is progressing at a rapid pace, the joint patrols of ELAS and the municipal police finally became a reality, the battle we fought about how much cement our city can withstand was vindicated by the CoE, we enlivened all the neighborhoods of the municipality with more than 100 cultural events during the summer. All these are not plans on paper. It is, a project, visible to the residents. No matter how hard the propaganda of Mr. Mitsotakis, who could not stand the defeat in Athens, has in front of it, an invincible opponent, a daily life that is changing”.

In his interview, he notes that “it is established and beyond doubt that the closure of Vasilissa Olga has caused a traffic problem in Athens and people are rightly protesting. This whole situation is also due to an inexplicable irritation with which the government is dealing with the issue.”

“Our goal is to hand over the road to traffic. In our design there is a light traffic road. Cars will be able to use Vasilissis Olgas, especially to turn from Amalias Avenue to Panathinaikos Stadium and not have to go all the way to Koukaki. In the face of this clear intention of ours, we have encountered the obstacles that the relevant ministers of the government constantly put in front of us. Our position is clear, if the archaeologists give the green light, Vasilissis Olgas Avenue will open the very next day. It is our pre-election commitment and we will implement it” emphasizes the Mayor of Athens.

Responding, among other things, to the “objective question of balancing his obligations as Mayor of Athens and president of PASOK-Movement for Change if he is elected in October”, X. Doukas noted, first of all, that “I wonder why the interest of government officials is focused on whether I will be Mayor and President of PASOK. I don’t remember them expressing the same dissatisfaction when the candidate for the leadership of New Democracy was the Regional Governor of Central Macedonia, Apostolos Tzitzikostas.”

“The question, then, is whether I can succeed as both the mayor of Athens and as the president of PASOK?” I answer, confidently, yes. They are two different qualities that not only do not conflict with each other, but reinforce each other” emphasizes, among other things, in his interview, X. Doukas.

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#government #removed #responsibilities #resources #selfgovernment



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