The government has no national plan for water resources PHOTOS

The government has no national plan for water resources PHOTOS

Nikos Androulakis was found at the unfinished Koris Gephyri dam in Chios, the President of PASOK-Movement for Change was found on Thursday morning.

Continuing his tour of the island of Chios, Nikos Androulakis he said “Water scarcity is now a huge problem in most parts of the country.

The lack of water is a huge problem, said N. Androulakis

According to iefimerida, in the Peloponnese, in our islands, in Attica, in the Thessalian plain but also in Northern Greece. Here we have another example of government ineptitude. We are at the dam under construction at the Koris Gefyri site, which I could describe as another “Arta Bridge”. They launched it pre-election in 2023, but you see what the situation is” Mr. Androulakis noted in his statements, demonstrating the absence of a government plan to deal with the major problem of water scarcity.

“Unfortunately, the New Democracy government does not have a national plan for water resources, a very critical element for the production costs of the primary sector and the daily life of millions of citizens. We cannot only talk about climate change, but we have a duty to implement comprehensive plans to manage this new reality, which affects very large segments of the population across the country.

In the areas I have visited throughout Greece, the problem of water scarcity is major. We have full dams but no irrigation network, incomplete dams and wrong utilization of water resources in many cases. In a country not affected by the climate crisis, perhaps all this could be considered by some as “normal”, but not in Greece with natural disasters, drought and water scarcity. For the PASOK the strategy for a resilient economy and strong society is a central priority,” he pointed out.

The PASOK-Movement for Change, at the initiative of MP Stavros Michaelidis, has tabled questions in the Parliament about the problem of water shortage and the necessary interventions at the Koris Gefyri dam in order to complete the project.

The government has no national plan for water resources PHOTOS

Afterwards, the President of PASOK-Movement for Change was received by the Metropolitan of Chios, Psara and Oinoussa, Mr. Markos.

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