The government establishes an organization dedicated to the ‘three major reforms’ of labor, education, and pension in each ministry

[이데일리 양희동 기자] Celebrating the second year of the government’s inauguration, it will drastically reorganize government organizations and personnel to focus on achieving the ‘3+1 (labor, education, pension + government) reform’ task, promoting exports, and revitalizing the public economy. To this end, an organization dedicated to carrying out reform tasks will be established in each ministry.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security announced that it had deliberated and voted on the organizational amendment plan containing these contents at a cabinet meeting on the 4th.

As a follow-up to the New Year’s Day, the government selected 20 key tasks in four areas on February 7th. In addition, along with the organizational revision, a joint organization of ministries and the establishment of an autonomous organization of ministries will be established according to the nature of the work. Accordingly, a dedicated organization will be established to create results that the people can sympathize with and feel by concentrating the government’s capabilities on four major tasks: △3+1 reform △economic leap △national and social safety △preparation for the future. In addition, the integrated utilization garden will be used to reinforce related manpower.

Looking at the details of each sector, the ‘3+1 Reform’ sector lays the foundation for the organization to actively promote labor, pension, education, and government reforms in line with the needs of the times and rapidly changing economic conditions. In addition, in the field of ‘economic leap’, companies are supported through one-stop solutions to export and order difficulties, and competitiveness is strengthened by establishing an organization dedicated to exports by sector such as defense industry, agriculture industry, and tourism.

In the field of public and social safety, as a follow-up to the ‘Comprehensive Measures for Reorganization of the National Safety System’, disaster response capabilities will be strengthened by preventing and managing new risks and upgrading CCTVs. In addition, through the dispatch of mutual liaison officers to the firefighting and police situation rooms, a cooperative system is established between agencies in the event of a major accident, and capabilities in major security areas are strengthened to eradicate crimes such as economic, cyber, and drug investigations.

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In the field of preparation for the future, an organization dedicated to patent examinations in the semiconductor field will be established to strengthen the global competitiveness of the semiconductor industry. In addition, the organizational structure of the Ministry of Unification will be reorganized for flexible organizational operation according to circumstances such as inter-Korean situations.

Vice Minister Han Chang-seop of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security said, “It is expected that the task performance system will be reorganized so that each ministry can carry out its key tasks without a hitch, and tasks such as the ‘3+1 reform’ will be promoted with a sense of speed.” We will actively support the necessary organizations and personnel to make it possible.”

(Data = Ministry of Public Administration and Security)

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